Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Warning sensitive issue FETAL DEMISE early baby loss

Author: Sheila Sudlow Of Cheeky Chums

Why discuss such a topic.Because babys do unfortunatley pass away in the womb and if we can let parents know of such terms the nursing staff may use can give parents just a little insight of what to expect in the worse case.

FETAL DEMISE - A term used to describe fetal death in utero; the loss of a fetus at any stage is a fetal demise.Intrauterine Fetal Death Demise (IUFD) is the death of a fetus that occurs for no apparent reason in a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy. It happens in about 1% of pregnancies and is usually (depending on the resource) considered a fetal death when it occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy and/or weight equal to or more than 500 grams. Generally speaking, a miscarriage is a fetal death which occurs prior to 20 weeks of gestation.

The mother's health is usually not jeopardized with intrauterine fetal demise.
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy may subside.

No symptoms may occur in the early stages of pregnancy. The diagnosis is based on the absence of fetal heart tones, the lack of uterine growth or ultrasound studies during prenatal examinations.

In later stages of pregnancy, a woman may be aware of changes in the fetal movement (kicks) or that the movement has stopped.
Parental feelings of loss, guilt, loneliness, anxiety and hostility should be acknowledged and faced. Family and friends can help with sympathetic listening and close physical comforting. If severe grief lasts longer than several months, professional counseling is recommended. Both the parents are urged to join a grief support group (available in most communities). evaluation of fetal death.

Helping a family come to terms with a loss...

How you can help the Family at this time of grief

  • Extended family can include grandparents and best friends of the grieving parents.
  • Parents will be grieving and will feel numb and overwhelmed at the loss of a baby.
  • During the grieving process offer to help an hand with collecting other children from school, doing shopping, running errands answering phone calls.
  • Give plenty of cuddles but be patient if arguments happen, as the stress of it all can be unbearable to parents coping with the loss of an infant in particular.
  • One person needs to take care of the funeral but if the parents are not up to it a family member who is strong enough should take over this role.
  • Involve the parents every step of the way making sure their requirements are noted down and given to the relevant person. For example no flowers to be sent to the family or please send and money donations to the local hospital, special care baby unit.
  • When one person takes charge support them so the pressure is taken off the parents and make sure too many people do not have their say that causes even more arguments.
  • Let the parents have as much peace and quiet when they are home from the hospital as they can get. Take control over answering the door arranging flowers in vases etc but make sure cards are only opened by the parents when they feel up to it.
  • Do not be tempted to clear the baby’s room unless its at the parents consent . Its all part of the grieving process for parents, coming to terms with the fact that the baby is gone and will not be coming home and finally saying their goodbyes.
  • Finally take it easy on your self too if its you that carries a lot of the strain, try to relax and talk about your feelings with another adult family member. You need to be there for the family too ,so make sure you eat well, drink plenty and take plenty of rest.

early babies may be too fragile to dress in this case opt for a baby burial pouch which can be found here at Something Precious Premature Baby Burial Pouch TEDDY DESIGN by (fetal demise pouch) for babies under 1lb (0.5kg)

Something Precious Premature baby complete bereavement dress set PRETTY PRINCESS design 1-3lb

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About the Author:

Qualified Baby and Early Years specialist.T.D.L.B D32+D33 Assessor.Owner of Cheeky Chums and

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