Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Morning Sickness Cures

Author: julie gardner

If you're looking for home remedies for morning sickness, then you're either pregnant, or you know someone who's pregnant. Are there any morning sickness cures? Yes! Do want to know what they are? Then look no further.

Pregnancy is a fantastic time in a woman's life. Knowing that a new life is growing inside you is nothing short of a miracle. The problem is that it's not all hearts and roses.

Small pregnancy irritations can start right from day one. Back ache, cramps, headaches and of course morning sickness. Morning sickness can affect 9 out of 10 pregnant women. I had it with my second pregnancy and it really made me feel down. You wake up in he morning and the wave of nausea hits you, for some women it's difficult to even get out of bed before you have that sickly feeling that just overwhelms you. For others morning sickness isn't just limited to morning, it can strike at any time, morning, afternoon or night!

So what exactly can you do to ease this problem?

Morning sickness Cures - What really works?

There is whole list of things that you can do to try and ease this horrible ailment. Some are as old as the hills, others are a little more controversial, but many women swear by them.

One main piece of advice is to try and prevent the problem. Prevention is always better than cure! There may be certain types of food, or even smells that can cause a sickly feeling. Try and avoid these as much as you can. Even if it means that you're not getting the balanced diet that you think you should, just eat what foods you can that don't make you sick. This is better than eating nothing at all, and you can catch up on your balanced diet when morning sickness wears off.

Try to avoid spicy, fried and rich foods, these are just a recipe for disaster.

Try to take your food in smaller quantities, but eat more often. And don't leave it too long between meals. In other words avoid having an empty stomach. You may well feel better if you eat 5 or 6 smaller meals in a day, than 3 large meals.

Try to drink something half an hour or so after eating.

When you wake in the morning, avoid getting out of bed too quickly, take your time and chill for a few minutes. Many women advise eating a dry cracker or maybe even a ginger biscuit before getting out of bed. Although take care with ginger, some women find this can cause heartburn or even make them worse.

Alternative home remedies for morning sickness

There are many alternative remedies for morning sickness, including hypnosis, aromatherapy, music therapy and acupressure.

To take a closer look at curing your morning sickness, including one remedy that guarantees a cure for morning sickness in 95% of pregnant women, then visit me, Julie at:

www.New-baby-and-beyond.com/morning-sickness-cures.html or http://www.new-baby-and-beyond.com/natural-remedies-for-morning-sickness.html

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/morning-sickness-cures-847069.html

About the Author:

I'm Julie, mum of two beautiful and very high spirited kids!
After trying for 3 years to get pregnant with my first child, and then knowing nothing about babies when he did come along. I picked up loads of great advice along the way.
I have created my web site to help ease women naturally into motherhood. So grab a cuppa and take a look around my site, dedicated to all the mothers of the world, new and not so new! Motherhood is a joyous occasion, make it the best time in your life!

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