Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gender Selection Diet - What Should You Eat?

Author: julie gardner

So is it true? Can you now select the sex of your next baby by watching what foods you do and don't eat?

According to many Mothers in today's world, and Fathers too, it is possible! The gender selection diet will have you altering what you eat to increase your chances of conceiving either a girl or a boy.

For hundreds of years women have been trying everything possible to influence the gender of their yet to be conceived children. In today's society where our governments tell us what is and isn't ethical, and make rules that it's citizens have to abide by, then taking certain matters into our own hands was bound to happen sooner or later.

Natural gender selection and all of the differing methods that surround it are quickly surfacing to replace the illegal (in certain countries) medically assisted methods. Gender selection by medical intervention in some countries is now only allowed for certain purposes. To prevent varying genetic and hereditary illness and disease from being passed down the line of more generations.

What the gender selection diet does exactly no-one is sure. Some believe that it makes the woman's body acceptable to either the male or female sperm. How it does this is yet again another question that can't be properly answered. Some believe that the gender selection diet can alter the acidity of the mucus inside the vagina, high acidity is said to favour a boy, low acidity, a girl. Douching used to be a technique that some women used, although experts tend to steer women away from this method now as it has been linked to causing infection.

Whatever it does do, doesn't seem to matter as couples all over the world are raving at it's success rate. While it can be no where near 100% successful ( only one method can claim to be 99-100% successful and that method is medically assisted!) It seems to be tipping the balance for natural gender selection. As long as it takes you above the 50% chance of success that you have already, then I guess it's worth a try!

It does seem easy to follow, eat more of a certain food type to tip the balance in the gender stakes. The only problem seems to be... What if you don't like what you're told to eat?

To see what types of food can help in your quest for a boy or a girl, check out http://www.new-baby-and-beyond.com/gender-selection-diet.html

Or check out all http://www.new-baby-and-beyond.com/natural-gender-selection.html

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/gender-selection-diet-what-should-you-eat-876267.html

About the Author:
I'm Julie, mum of two beautiful but very demanding kids!

After trying for 3 years to get pregnant with my first child, and then knowing nothing about babies when he did come along. I picked up loads of great advice along the way.
I have created my web site to help ease women naturally into motherhood. So grab a cuppa and take a look around my site, dedicated to all the mothers of the world, new and not so new! Motherhood is a joyous occasion, make it the best time in your life!

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