Friday, June 26, 2009

Signs of pregnancy

Author: meelespea

Am I pregnant? It ‘ s the FAQ by most of the women either wanting or not wanting pregnancy every month. Most of the times no symptoms are noticed until the women miss their periods. If the woman fails to keep the record of her menstrual cycle or if the cycle is not regular the chances are that woman is not sure when to expect periods. If the woman start experiencing any or more of the given symptoms and she have not got her periods for a while then chances are that she is pregnant. It is better to take a home pregnancy test for confirming.

Signs of pregnancy
1 ) Swollen or Soft Breasts: One of the earliest symbols of pregnancy is sore and sensitive breasts. These are caused being of the intensification esteem hormones. The soreness resembles the one that is felt before the periods but it is its marked serial. The discomfort of breasts decrease or reduces later first trimester now neighboring this expression the body adjust itself ditch in addition straight of hormones.

2 ) Enervate: Are you motility exhausted suddenly? If indubitably then and it burden perform one of the earliest notation of pregnancy. No one knows the cause of weariness effect early pregnancy; but it is verbal that it fault speak for in that of surge command progesterone that contributes to relaxation.

Once the pregnancy enters second trimester; the woman start feeling more energetic. Sometimes it returns in third trimester; since the women have to carry more weight and she is not getting a peaceful sleep at night because of other pregnancy discomforts.

3 ) Implantation Bleeding: Some women may experience some vaginal bleeding after around 12 days of conception. The cause of bleeding is that fertilized egg burrows itself on the lining of uterus. The bleeding is light and may last for one or two days.

4 ) Morning Sickness: Most women do not experience morning sickness until after a month of conceiving. Still some women start to feel queasy much earlier. Pregnancy related morning sickness is not only confined to morning it can be experienced at any time in morning, afternoon or even in evening.

Source: Signs of pregnancy

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