Sunday, June 28, 2009

Are You Experiencing These Signs of Pregnancy? Part 2

Author: emmamadison

This two-part article educates you about the signs of pregnancy you should be alert to. In Part I we discussed three vital signs of pregnancy, namely fatigue, spotting or bleeding and changes in appetite. Here we are with Part II, listing the other pregnancy symptoms you should watch for.

You feel nauseous

You are likely to have the legendary morning sickness for the first month. Some women have this for up to six months and it could be any time of the day. You might throw up at the most unexpected times. This is a result of the estrogen levels that change. Do not get alarmed, as there are many ways to minimize this.

You keep running to the ladies room

It might seem like your bladder just cannot seem to control itself. The fact is, as your uterus grows in size, it presses against your bladder and hence the urge to pee often. This happens most during the first and third trimester.

Your breasts are tender

Again, estrogen and progesterone are the reason, as they get your breasts ready for nursing your baby. Your breasts can get quite sensitive and this can be uncomfortable. This will eventually pass, but you might want to shop for comfortable bras that support your breasts well.

You feel constipated

One of the most common signs of pregnancy is constipation and that feeling of being bloated. This is because of slower digestion and can be tackled by drinking plenty of fluids.

You develop frequent headaches

Headaches are a common early pregnancy symptom. During pregnancy, blood circulation increases because of hormonal and physical changes.

Your moods are unpredictable

It is those hormones again, so relax. Your moods will get better after the first three months.

You feel dizzy and breathless

When the blood sugar dips during early pregnancy, you can feel dizzy from the fluctuating hormone levels. You can tackle this by eating small but healthy snacks every now and then and drinking plenty of water. You might feel breathless, as you need more oxygen for the fetus. If you feel breathless for no reason, accompanied by pain, let your doctor know.

You are shocked at your scales

Do not be. There is a baby growing inside you. Remember to wear sensible shoes that can take your weight comfortably.

You develop lower backache

You could gain between 25 to 60 pounds during these nine months of pregnancy, so you must also take care of your back. Lower back pain is quite common as the strain on your joints is more. Your doctor will give you the right advice to make you comfortable.

These are the early signs of pregnancy. If you experience these, make an appointment to see your doctor. A physical examination could also confirm your pregnancy, based on the color of your vagina and the softer cervix. You may also want to get a home pregnancy test to find out.

The sooner you know about the signs of pregnancy, the better, since you can plan your prenatal care and get started with those prenatal vitamins and make the necessary lifestyle changes for a healthy pregnancy.

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About the Author:

While preparing for pregnancy, don't be anxious about how to recognize the signs of pregnancy. Find out everything you need to know about early pregnancy symptoms here.

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