Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Preparing the Nursery for Twins

Author: Kelliann Bateman

There are some items you will need two of. Even if you have decided on co-bedding, you will eventually need two cribs, and I would recommend at least six sets of crib bedding. One set on the bed, one in washing-machine, and a back-up in the closet, and then multiply that by 2 for a total of six (at least). You will also need two highchairs, two car-seats, one stroller--built for two. You will NOT need two dressers, two changing tables, two diaper pails, nor do you need two of every stuffed animal to ever grace the shelves at Wal-Mart or Toys "R" Us.

Although many retailers would have you believe that you need every brightly colored piece of plastic packaged as a "much needed baby item," I assure you, you do not need 99.9% of it. Your life is about to become extremely complicated, whether your twins are your first children or you already have a house full. The last thing you need is a bunch of "stuff" cluttering up every corner of your home. Leave some room to walk in the dark at 2:00 a.m. without stepping on something, tripping on something, or needing a GPS System to navigate some complicated path to your crying baby--or babies. My personal motto: Counter Tops NOT Clutter Tops.

Another pitfall to avoid is breaking the budget trying to keep up with the opulent nurseries you find featured in magazines and gracing celebrity homes. Realistically, even if you can afford it, extravagant nurseries are for you, not the babies. Your babies could care less if they are sleeping in a crib that cost thousands of dollars or in a crib that you picked up for twenty dollars at a yard sale (as long as it meets safety standards). It doesn't matter to your babies if the valance and dust ruffle match. I know people who put so much time and effort into planning the nursery and baby shower, I wondered if they were having children for the attention it gets them! Either way, there is no practicality to eccentric nurseries. The bassinet that cost hundreds of dollars that you need two of? They will grow out of within 2 -3 months. Put the same money in a college fund.

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't enjoy putting together your new babies' space, it just means that it shouldn't be a stressful event that leaves you in financial ruin or leaves you paying off elaborate baby furniture that your children have long since outgrown. Shop around, compare prices, take advantage of the internet, and ask friends and family members if they have baby items that they no longer need.

New Mom quick Tips:

  • Initially you will use many onesies, receiving blankets, and sleepers--especially with twins! Stock up on these items.
  • One of the best investments you can make is a food processor. Not only will it save you money, it is healthier for your babies. In spite of what you may think, it is actually quite convenient and simple to use. Purchase fresh vegetables and steam them--you can use the microwave. Add steamed vegetables and a little water to the food processor and you have homemade baby food packed with nutrients. When you buy your food processor, it will provide you with step by step instructions.

For more on twins, visit www.twinpregnancyinfo.com where you will find the latest information regarding twin development, fraternal twins vs. identical twins, weight gain, high risk pregnancy, understanding cervical cerclage and medical testing, as well as health, nutrition, and fitness.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/preparing-the-nursery-for-twins-869886.html

About the Author:

Kelliann has writing expertise in the areas of health, fitness, and nutrition. Kelliann also has intimate knowledge of high-risk pregnancy, twin and multiple birth, and maternal health.

She is founder and editor of both TwinPregnancy.info and FitWithTwins.com, where expectant and new mothers find the latest information on pregnancy with multiples and post-pregnancy fitness.

For further information please contact Kelliann at ThePen@kelliannbateman.com

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