Sunday, June 28, 2009

Are You Experiencing These Signs of Pregnancy? Part 1

Author: emmamadison

Recognizing the signs of pregnancy can help you start taking care of yourself so that you can adjust your lifestyle accordingly through those crucial nine months. Knowing what early pregnancy symptoms to look for can keep you from getting unduly alarmed and help you handle each stage of pregnancy with confidence.

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is the obvious missed period. Added to this, you are probably also wondering why your bra has suddenly become uncomfortably tighter. You are possibly quite bothered about the fact that you seem to practically live in the ladies' room, urinating about twenty times a day. Could this be one of the early signs of pregnancy? Yes, it could. It is about time you found out what the other early pregnancy symptoms are, so that you can prepare yourself well.

So what are the most common signs of pregnancy you should be alert to? In this part of this article we cover three of the early pregnancy symptoms:

You feel extremely tired

Are you experiencing fatigue and cant figure out why? The answer is, your body now has to work harder than before to keep up the supply of certain hormones as well as to ensure that your baby gets all the nutrition it needs in the womb. This is very common in the first trimester of pregnancy. Expect to also feel quite drowsy, thanks to the hormone progesterone. The best way to handle it is get pampered and rest when you can. You may also feel rather energetic in spurts.

You notice some spotting or bleeding

This is normal within the first couple of weeks after you conceive. Observe that this is lighter in color than your usual period. This will stop shortly. In case the bleeding is heavy and continuous, consult your doctor right away. Feeling cramped is also normal.

Your appetite is different and so is your preference for food

One of the early signs of pregnancy is feeling somewhat nauseous when you smell certain foods. It is also normal to crave for some foods later during pregnancy. You may discover that your appetite has changed. Some women cannot stand coffee in the first couple of months. Some foods that could mess up your tummy are milk, cheese, meat and other spicy stuff, even though they seem yummy when you eat them. Your appetite will undergo a change as your pregnancy advances.Remember, however, that not every woman experiences all of them. Some women simply seem to breeze through their pregnancy with just a few minor issues. In Part 2 of this article, we will talk about some more signs of pregnancy you need to watch out for.

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About the Author:
While preparing for pregnancy, don't be anxious about how to recognize the signs of pregnancy. Find out everything you need to know about early pregnancy symptoms here. Don't forget to read Part 2 of this article.

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