Friday, June 26, 2009

12 weeks pregnant and the joys of baby names

Author: Esther

The second trimester is fabulous for various reasons, the sickness has passed, the immense ridiculous tiredness has departed with it and there seems to be a burst of energy and excitement- oh and my boobs no longer felt like someone was sticking little pins in them continuously! The pregnancy became common knowledge after the 12 week scan as is usual for most people, so everyone is being lovely and concerned about you, and offers you copious cups of tea and slices of cake. The scan was a beautiful and amazing experience and we both cried and absolutely loved it.

I thought this was fabulous- until of course my waistline started to expand. Once a proper bump was visible I didn’t mind, it was just the in between stage of seemingly having a fat blubby belly for no reason that was annoying.

Matt and I started to discuss names- we didn’t get very far- he laughed at my suggestions of Jeremiah and Noah, and I wasn’t keen on his fave ‘Tommy’… nothing to do with not liking the name- it was more his and his mates drunk justification of it that put me off.. ‘Call it Tommy’…. Slurred his mate one night we were at their house, ‘And nobody will mess with him.’ ‘Yeah!’ agreed Matt, ‘People will say- ‘Who’s that at the bar?’ ‘Tommy Brooks, nobody messes with Tommy!’

As for girls names we agreed that we liked flower names, but different ones. I loved Lilly, whilst he preferred Daisy. We both quite liked Rosie, but not enough to use it to name our child- and we eventually settled on Jasmine. We told people this would be our girls’ name, and his mum fell in love with it. That was wonderful, until I went off it and told Matt I’d changed my mind- he said ‘My mum will be devastated!’ and I- being hormonal took great offence at this and said that I wouldn’t keep the name just for his mum. We had a bit of a row about that one! Matt and I don’t often argue, but in the second trimester there were a couple of good ones, one over him being over protective and telling me to be careful every time I went near a road or down some stairs. His concern was sweet at first, but soon became irritating. Hormonal Esther felt she was being treated like an imbecile- after all- she spent all day at work dealing with stairs on her own, and crossed many a road when Matt wasn’t with her- so was highly insulted at the suggestion that she couldn’t manage such tasks when he was around, and at the insinuation that she wasn’t taking proper care of the unborn in the womb!!!

His over caution did subside eventually; I think it’s a case of the bloke finding a happy medium between showing concern and being annoying!!! The woman of course can do no wrong and is always right. Men would do well to learn this fact earlier rather than later during pregnancy!

Another argument we had, happened when we came in from a night out. Matt barely drank during the pregnancy- he was very supportive in that way, and ‘didn’t want to waste his child’s money’ – very commendable- ten points to the man! This particular night he had been drinking though, and when we got in he decided to do some DIY, and fit the new bathroom handle on the door. Matt is not the master of DIY at the best of times, so I suggested that he postpone the task, as it seemed more of a daytime activity, and preferably to be done when he was sober. This suggestion seemed preposterous to him- was I daring to question his good intentions and ability as a self proclaimed handy man?! So a row ensued, the hormonal versus the inebriated! Nobody really won that row (although Matt and I always say that there are no winners in a row)- but I do remember the row being terminated as I karate chopped the bathroom hand-towel rail. We looked at the 2 pieces of rail on the floor, decided that we were both lunatics and went to bed!

By Christmas my bump was blooming and we’d stopped telling people our name ideas- we decided to keep them to ourselves in future, as ones we liked could sound awful two weeks later. This worried me, what if this happened with the name we choose for the child? We might go off it, and then have to live with it for the rest of our miserable bad name choosing lives? But I consoled myself by deciding that once you name your child something they simply ‘become’ that person with that name, and it will be okay!

Another reason we stopped discussing name choices with people is that they give their opinion, even when not invited ‘Ugh I hate that, I knew a really smelly kid at school called that!’ (Cheers, I didn’t ask for your opinion, but you have just ruined another rare name that both parents agreed on.) We liked Carrie for a while, but so many people retorted ‘OOOH, like that weird girl in the Stephen King horror film!’ that it put us off. We tried to stand strong in our opinions and ignore the interfering voices, but it’s very difficult not to be put off by people’s negative comments.

Christmas morning brought a lovely surprise. Matt made me breakfast in bed, put some cheesy music on and produced a large but very light gift box from under the bed. I opened the box and waded through the soooo much tissue paper to find a smaller box, which Matt took from me, opened to reveal a beautiful engagement ring and proposed. It was a lovely day, and the engagement ring fit on my finger for many weeks, until the inevitable hand swelling in the third trimester…………

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About the Author:

Hi I'm Esther, 33. I am currently pregnant with my first child- and really excited about the impending sleepless nights!!! I work for 100% People, and have decided to keep a pregnancy diary on the site, to get expectant mums interacting and give us a place to share our views and feelings. Check out my blog- or the features section where you can read my first entry. Also... keep your eye on the site for other pregnancy related info- currently under Health and Beauty- you will find a pregnancy feature about maternity clothing.

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