Thursday, June 25, 2009

Breastfeeding Success

Author: shrimpsey

Posted by Michelle on Saturday, May 30, 2009

I always knew I wanted to breastfeed. When I had my first baby, we got off to a great start. Other then a little nipple soreness the first few days, everything went great, until I supplemented the occasional bottle of formula. I never realised how much this would affect my supply. Soon enough, the bottles became more frequent, and the nursing session short, and more frustrating as he would fuss at the breast. They don't have to work to get it out of a bottle, but they do with the boob. Unfortunately, my lack of education on breastfeeding caused our breastfeeding relationship to end around 6 months.

When I got pregnant with my daughter, I was determined not to make the same mistake. I started reading everything I could on breastfeeding, keeping your supply, everything I could find. At my 34 week OB appointment, we found out our daughter was breech. This meant the possibility of a c-section. Sure enough she stayed breech, and I had a c-section. I was able to offer her the breast right away in the recovery room, but she wasn't interested. I continued to offer her the breast every couple hours, with no success. She would latch perfect, but she wouldn't suck once she was latched. After 24 hours past without a good nursing session, the hospital offered to supplement. I politely declined, and made it very clear that she would be breast only. For my next few attempts at feeding her, I would express some colostrums by hand, so she could get a taste, and put her on. I got a few sucks out of her, but then she would just get mad and start to scream. I did not allow myself to get frustrated, and because of educating myself about the possibility of this issue before hand, was able to remain calm and patient. By the end of the second day, I knew she must be hungry, so I used the hospital pump, and pumped after offering the breast. I fed her the pumped breast milk and she gobbled it right up. We did this routine for 3 feedings. Finally, on the morning of the third day, she latched, and nursed for 20 minutes on each side!!!! I was sooooo happy. We figured it out together. Her weight did drop to the 10%, but after she started nursing well, it rapidly gained. Ever since she latched that morning, she has been hooked. We are now at 10 months, still going strong and loving every minute of it.

For the best breastfeeding resources to ensure a successful breastfeeding relationship visit

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