Sunday, June 28, 2009

How Often Should Couples Make Love?

Author: Angie Greenish

If you have read my previous article you would have learned about the fertility window and the three basic fertility signs to monitor.

To recap the three basic fertility signs you need to monitor are:

1. Basal Body Temperature (BBT);
2. cervical position; and
3. cervical secretion changes.

Now that you are aware of the woman's fertile window in her menstrual cycle, we will now determine the frequency of lovemaking which is optimal for conception. The important thing to remember when determining how often couples should engage in intercourse (with the object of conceiving) is that it's not about the frequency but rather, the timing.

Each month there is only a small window of opportunity available that will get you pregnant. This is commonly referred to as 'Peak Fertility' and is a window of about three days.

Peak Fertility covers the two days prior to ovulation and no more than the 24 hours following the release of the egg from the ovary. This is when it is important to ensure that you have intercourse on each one of these vital days. Many people even refer to this as 'sex on demand'.

This is the reason that it is critical to monitor yourself so you know when to narrow in on these days for procreative sex. It is also worth noting that under ideal conditions, sperm can survive up to seven days so it is important to still make love before you reach peak fertility.

Some people do have a notion that that frequent lovemaking will deplete your sperm; however this is just a myth, as sperm only constitutes a small percentage of the seminal fluid. If the male is not having problems with sperm count, then daily intercourse should not be a problem. However, where sperm count is a factor, you may be asked by your doctor to refrain from daily sex immediately before the peak fertility window to enable the sperm to repopulate and replenish themselves. Thus, if you are aiming for pregnancy, it would be wise to refrain from ejaculating more than once every 36 hours, at least before a woman's peak fertility period.

Frequent lovemaking may take its toll on your energy levels and sap you when the correct time comes. During the key days, however, you are advised to engage in intercourse daily. This does become somewhat a case of 'Sex on Demand'.

To see more information about the latest Conception options available to you, please visit the review page here: How To Conceive

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About the Author:
I know that to be successful at getting pregnant you must know your own body intimately.Empower yourself with the knowledge I have gained over the years from being a voluntary family planning and maternal health facilitator.

Learn all the tips and tricks to help keep you healthy and increase the chances of getting pregnant.

"Put an end to the Frustration, Stress and Annoyance

... And learn all the little known secrets, hints and tricks of how to get pregnant now"

Angie Greenish

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