Friday, June 26, 2009

Surrogacy Overseas - Know the Available Options

Author: James Johnson

For infertile couples, babies are the bliss of a lifetime. But they often come with a heavy price to pay. Since there are so many other services, more reasonably priced surrogate mother applicants have started to be found overseas. Insurance for health often doesn't cover the costs related with infertility treatments, and if you're uninsured, then you are in a bigger fix then you can imagine. When a couple has a lifelong dream of starting a family, and they are ready with the finances, infertility could lead to depression. Also the last option left, surrogacy is highly expensive and is nothing that a normal salaried class employee can afford. It is not easy to carry someone else’s baby for a period of 9 months and give it up for money. There are emotions and feelings involved and also certain highly legal procedures to follow.

The new trend of finding an affordable woman to carry the child is by traveling to developing countries and finding an affordable option where the cost of traveling included the cost of Surrogacy would result in almost half the cost of the procedure in other countries. Actually sometimes the cost is less than half. India seems to be a favorite destination for couples from America and Europe to look for surrogate mothers. This is due to the fact that the cost is almost $2800 while the cost there in their countries is $20000. The amount of different is drastic and that is the cause of the sudden increase in surrogacy overseas.

There are even hospitals in India that specialize in finding women who are ready to carry babies for couples. When a couple can save as much as 56000 dollars if they just do the treatment in India why would they look anywhere else. Due to the increase in baby business there has been an increase in ‘in vitro fertilization’ and the clinics and doctors in the local economy. Medical care should not be exploited just because a country is poor. But then there is little anyone can do due to lack of proper legal framework and its implementation. There are some people who think that they are helping others by doing them a favor. In India $2800 is equal to taking home a paycheck of 5 years of work for some people. Plus a couple gets the joy of having a baby.

There are lots of gay and lesbian couples that find surrogating the first and last option to having a baby of their own. Then the surrogate mother would be like God to the couple since there is no way they could have a child.

The moral implications of Surrogacy overseas are as follows. When one goes overseas to buy a baby at a price lower than the price prevailing in the persons own country shows that the couple is exploiting the difficult situation in another country. Rather than helping a woman the couple puts her in more jeopardy for nine months by making her give birth and then leave with the baby providing a small amount as fees.

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About the Author:
James Johnson has years of experience in the field of Medical tourism and guides you through various treatment options available to help you.To know more about IVF treatment, Surrogacy Overseas, IVF clinics, weight loss surgery and more, Visit

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