Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Florida Ivf: The Fun Path To Being A Mommy & Daddy

Author: Justin

The miracle of life is something that is truly amazing to experience and most couples dream of the day that they can bring a child into the world. Often times however, this dream quickly turns into sadness and frustration when some couples realize that they are unsuccessful in their attempts to procreate. If you are one of the couples stuck in this situation however, you should not give up because there are many options available.

Amazing things are happening in the medical world with regards to reproduction which means that your chances of becoming pregnant are better than ever when you pursue options such as Florida IVF. When thinking about trying out these medical options, you might be wondering what risks and benefits are usually involved.

To learn about the risks and benefits of Florida IVF and to make an informed decision on which is the best option for you to pursue, the best thing to do is schedule a consultation with a medical professional. This is generally your best option because these professionals have dedicated their careers to this area and have taken many couple from the frustration of not being able to get pregnant to the job of parenthood. Therefore they will be able to discuss all of the risks and benefits with you as well as answer all of your questions.

When looking into Florida IVF, you should know that really the greatest benefit of going with this option is the chance that you will finally be able to experience the miracle of bringing a child in to the world. Additionally, you will finally be able to put the frustration and sadness that you have likely associated with the subject of child bearing behind you and replace it with the job and happiness that comes along with being a parent.

As with most medical procedures there can be risks involved with Florida IVF so it is a good idea to fully discuss these with your doctor. Although you may feel that the benefits of this option far outweigh the risks, it is a good idea to have a full understanding of the risks in order to make an informed decision moving forward. It can also help to speak with other couples that have chosen this option. Speaking with other couples that have chosen this option ca give you a great idea of what you can reasonably expect and how it has worked for others. Additionally, it can really restore you sense of hope to see the happiness that others now have after choosing this option and that have gone through the same struggles and felt the same emotions as you.

No one should be deprived of the ability to have children because it can truly be one of the most amazing things that you experience in your life time. If you and your parent are experiencing issues in this area, you should know that you are living in a great time of medical advances and it really is easier than ever for couples that are having problems conceiving to seek medical help and start a family.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/florida-ivf-the-fun-path-to-being-a-mommy-daddy-821156.html

About the Author:
Visit a Florida IVF Clinic on procedures and questions in giving birth, becoming a parent, and general question regarding Fertility Treatment in Pensacola and Tallahassee, FL, and Mobile, AL.

How Will I Know When I'M In Labor? Signs Of Labor

Author: Joy Wilkins

As you near the end of your pregnancy you may be wondering what the signs of labor are. "When is it the real thing?" "When do I go to the hospital" or "When do I call the midwife?"
While there are certainly variations among women, there are several signs you can look for to clue you in that labor and birth are near.

Now you have to keep in mind that pregnancy and birth run along a continuum. Pregnancy gradually flows into labor, and labor gradually flows into birth. There is not a line between where one ends and the other begins.

Keeping that in mind, these are some of the signs of labor.

The baby "dropping" in the pelvis--also known as lightening.

This is a very early sign of labor.This simply means that the baby moves down into the pelvis. The baby's head will be at zero station in obstetric speak--or "engaged" in the pelvis.

You will notice that your belly looks lower than before and/or that you have more room to breathe and the baby is not crowding your rib cage as much. You may also notice more pressure on your bladder than before and find that you are running to the bathroom more often.

Water breaking (amniotic sac breaking)

The bag of waters breaking can be an early sign of labor, although more frequently it occurs during the later stages of labor when contractions are well established or during the pushing phase.


Contractions are the most reliable sign of labor.

Most women will notice Braxton-Hicks contractions throughout the latter part of their pregnancy. These "practice contractions" help to prepare your body for more intense contractions later on. Contractions will become more frequent towards the end of pregnancy. You will know labor has truly begun when the contractions are frequent, and keep increasing
in intensity and duration.

Emotional signs of labor

There can be emotional sign posts for some women that are early signs of labor. Feeling the urge to "nest"--to get the home in order and make sure final preparations are complete before baby arrives can be a sign.

Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy as much as you can--and rest assured

you won't be pregnant forever!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/how-will-i-know-when-im-in-labor-signs-of-labor-821495.html

About the Author:

For more information on the signs of labor, natural pregnancy, and natural childbirth visit http://www.daretogivebirthnaturally.com

Fertility Charting Can Help You Get Pregnant Fast

Author: Jane Ng

While many women suffer from fertility problems, few actually understand their bodies and their cycles. In fact, the key to a better chance of fertility is in knowing and understanding your cycle. Fertility charting is the easiest and the most effective way to track your cycle, and to know when your best chances for conception are on the calendar. Fertility charting can also help women avoid conceiving naturally, without the use of hormonal birth control or other contraceptives.

There are a two tools that you will need for fertility charting. The first, and most important, is a simple menstrual cycle chart. You can find a paper version at your local drug store to carry with you, but most women are now opting to use an online cycle chart. Many websites offer additional resources to help you chart your past ovulation dates and predict future ones, and track your conception success rate. The second is a basic basal thermometer, which can also be found at any drug store or pharmacy department.

To begin, you need to start your charting with an accurate reading of your basal temperature, also known as your base temp. To do so, you will need to get a full night of sleep, at least 8 hours, and uninterrupted. Keep the thermometer, and a pen and notebook by your bed - you will want to record your base temperature first thing in the morning, as soon as you wake up. Basal thermometers are more accurate than traditional thermometers, so it could take a few minutes before you receive an accurate reading. When the thermometer beeps, you will have your base temp. You’ll want to record this immediately so you don’t forget it, right down to the tenth degree.

When you have your base temp, record it on your fertility chart. Most online charts offer a section for you to record this for that day to keep track of the changes. You’ll also want to take note of your mood, any aches or pains, including headaches, and other information you think may be relevant. This should also be included in your fertility charting. As you progress, you’ll begin to notice a pattern in your cycle.

When you get closer to ovulation, you will notice that your base temperature rises. If you are using home ovulation tests for tracking purposes, you can pinpoint exactly when your ovulation occurs. Include this in your fertility charting, and you will be able to accurately see when your next ovulation is most likely to occur, and when your least fertile days are during the month.

Discover our recommended effective fertility aids to help you get pregnant fast.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/fertility-charting-can-help-you-get-pregnant-fast-828047.html

About the Author:
Copyright of Jane Ng and Getting Pregnant Tips.

A Crash Course on Breastfeeding

Author: Gem Villamin

Breastfeeding is widely accepted as the best food for infants and by far the most natural. Breast milk is known to contain the essential nutrients as well as the antibodies that can perfectly match the nutritional requirements of a growing infant.

Its composition can effectively help in reducing the incidents of diarrhea, digestive upsets and constipation. So if you are planning on breastfeeding your child, here are some valuable pointers you need to know.

Before the baby is born

Most women do not know that the preparation for breastfeeding actually starts even before the baby is born. While we all know that breast milk is natural, this does not necessarily mean it’s easy.

An important part of preparation for breastfeeding comes even before your baby is born. Breastfeeding is, of course, completely natural – this does not, however, mean that it is necessarily easy. Almost all women can breastfeed, as long as they get good advice and good support. It would be good to enroll on antenatal classes for proper guidance in breastfeeding. Good quality breast shells are also necessary investment to help air the nipples.

Starting out

In most cases, breast milk may not come in until a few days after delivery, so mothers need not worry if the baby doesn’t seem to be taking much in. Please bear in mind that it is perfectly normal for babies to lose about 10% of their body weight during the first few days. Some mothers experience anxiety over the fact that they are not producing enough milk. However, on the first few days, babies are actually drinking colostrum that contain high calorie content and vital antibodies to ward off infections.

Perfect Positioning

First time mothers should also know that while their babies instinctively know how to suck, they do not know how to latch on properly – which is a skill that should be taught. The proper way to do this is to gently stroke the nipple down from her nose until the baby’s mouth opens and sucks on the nipple, head pointing upwards towards the roof. This may require several tries to get it right.

Pillows can also be a good support when feeding the baby. Hold your baby with one hand at the back of the neck or head to adjust him/her to the right angle. As soon as the baby has successfully latched on, start counting from one to ten. If it becomes painful, then there may be something wrong, since breastfeeding should not be uncomfortable.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/a-crash-course-on-breastfeeding-829916.html

About the Author:
Gem Villamin owner and author of http://preggytips.com a newsletter that talks about Pregnancy, Baby Care, Parenting and more. Check out more articles on http://preggytips.com

Finding the Right Fertility Clinic

Author: Justin

Amazing things are happening in the world of reproductive sciences. It is truly a great time in history for couples that are experiencing pregnancy problems to be living in. This is because there are constantly new breakthroughs occurring in this realm, making it easier than ever for couples to have children.

If you are having trouble becoming pregnant and are thinking of seeking medical assistance, you might be wondering where you can find a fertility clinic. You will probably be surprised to find one in an area very near to you and this is due to the growing popularity and success of this option.

After you find a fertility clinic in your area, or more than one, you will then likely be wondering how good of a clinic it is and if you should visit a doctor there or expand your search a little further from home. When making this decision, you might jut want to schedule a consultation with a doctor at each clinic until you find one that you are comfortable with. One of the most important things during this process is making sure that you are comfortable with your doctor because it will make the whole process go much more smoothly and can help calm you nerves.

You can also ask other couples that have been in this situation if they have a recommendation of a good fertility clinic. If another couple had a successful experience and give the clinic a good recommendation then chances are good that you will also be happy with choosing this one. This can also be a good time to chat with the couple and ask if they have any tips on how you can make this process go as smoothly as possible because any help you can get can make the difference.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/finding-the-right-fertility-clinic-832263.html

About the Author:

Visit the Florida Fertility Clinic on procedures and questions for
FL Fertility Treatment in Pensacola and Tallahassee.

Affordable IVF: Making Parenthood a Possibility

Author: Justin

vHaving children can be very expensive. Not only do you have the initial cost of buying a crib, car seat, changing table and other equipment when children are first born, but you will be paying for things throughout their childhood and teenage years. Of course, as a parent you know that these costs are to be expected and a small price to pay compared with the joy that being a parent brings. However, some costs that you may not have expected can arise if you are having problems becoming pregnant.

Couples that have sought medical help to have children know all too well how expensive it can be to use these services, so if you are in this situation you might be wondering if you can find affordable IVF. You will be happy to know that in many cases the answer is yes. However, it can sometimes take a little more work to save money with this option but many people report it is well worth the time.

To start, you can compare prices between clinics to find affordable IVF. Some clinics specialize in providing lower costs to couples who would not be able to experience the job of parenthood without these treatments. Of course, when you do find a lower priced clinic, you will want to thoroughly research their credibility to ensure you safety and to make sure that it is not some sort of scam.

You can also check with your medical insurance provider to see if they cover some or all of these types of treatments to get yourself affordable IVF. Of course, policies vary a great deal form one company to the next so there is not guarantee that it will be covered under you policy. However, it can not hurt to research this option on the chance that it is covered.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/affordable-ivf-making-parenthood-a-possibility-830381.html

About the Author:

Visit an Affordable IVF Clinic in Florida on procedures and questions in giving birth, becoming a parent, and general question regarding Fertility Treatment in Pensacola and Tallahassee, FL.

A Natural Alternative to In Vitro Fertilizatio

Author: Beth Ortega

Modern fertility treatments, though often effective, can be emotionally, physically, and financially taxing. Furthermore, many women and men are not comfortable with the idea of conceiving in a manner that is not natural. In place of the old wives tales that improve fertility, there are legitimate natural remedies for improving fertility that have shown positive results for many happy couples. Diet, exercise, and herbs can all make the difference when it comes to successfully conceiving naturally.

In a society where people struggling to have children often rush to undergo In Vitro Fertilization, the solution to infertility may be as simple as a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin C antioxidants improve the health and motility of sperm and relieve stress on women's reproductive organs. Men's overall reproductive health can be improved with a diet rich in Vitamin D and Zinc. A reduction in alcohol and caffeine can also have a significantly positive impact on men and women's reproductive health. Regular exercise in both men and women promote a healthy body weight and normal hormone levels, all of which increase chances of conception. These practices also generally develop a more positive mood, which can be quite the opposite of the effects of In Vitro Fertilization.

Many people wanting to improve their fertility choose herbal supplements in place of long, arduous treatments like In Vitro Fertilization. Chasteberry, for example, is used by men as a stimulator for the pituitary gland and to balance their hormones. Similarly, Dong Quai balances estrogen levels in women and treats menstrual difficulties that may prevent pregnancy.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/a-natural-alternative-to-in-vitro-fertilization-838179.html

About the Author:

More information on In Vitro Fertilization procedures and a Greenville Fertility Clinic clinic in your area is just a click away.

Morning Sickness Cures

Author: julie gardner

If you're looking for home remedies for morning sickness, then you're either pregnant, or you know someone who's pregnant. Are there any morning sickness cures? Yes! Do want to know what they are? Then look no further.

Pregnancy is a fantastic time in a woman's life. Knowing that a new life is growing inside you is nothing short of a miracle. The problem is that it's not all hearts and roses.

Small pregnancy irritations can start right from day one. Back ache, cramps, headaches and of course morning sickness. Morning sickness can affect 9 out of 10 pregnant women. I had it with my second pregnancy and it really made me feel down. You wake up in he morning and the wave of nausea hits you, for some women it's difficult to even get out of bed before you have that sickly feeling that just overwhelms you. For others morning sickness isn't just limited to morning, it can strike at any time, morning, afternoon or night!

So what exactly can you do to ease this problem?

Morning sickness Cures - What really works?

There is whole list of things that you can do to try and ease this horrible ailment. Some are as old as the hills, others are a little more controversial, but many women swear by them.

One main piece of advice is to try and prevent the problem. Prevention is always better than cure! There may be certain types of food, or even smells that can cause a sickly feeling. Try and avoid these as much as you can. Even if it means that you're not getting the balanced diet that you think you should, just eat what foods you can that don't make you sick. This is better than eating nothing at all, and you can catch up on your balanced diet when morning sickness wears off.

Try to avoid spicy, fried and rich foods, these are just a recipe for disaster.

Try to take your food in smaller quantities, but eat more often. And don't leave it too long between meals. In other words avoid having an empty stomach. You may well feel better if you eat 5 or 6 smaller meals in a day, than 3 large meals.

Try to drink something half an hour or so after eating.

When you wake in the morning, avoid getting out of bed too quickly, take your time and chill for a few minutes. Many women advise eating a dry cracker or maybe even a ginger biscuit before getting out of bed. Although take care with ginger, some women find this can cause heartburn or even make them worse.

Alternative home remedies for morning sickness

There are many alternative remedies for morning sickness, including hypnosis, aromatherapy, music therapy and acupressure.

To take a closer look at curing your morning sickness, including one remedy that guarantees a cure for morning sickness in 95% of pregnant women, then visit me, Julie at:

www.New-baby-and-beyond.com/morning-sickness-cures.html or http://www.new-baby-and-beyond.com/natural-remedies-for-morning-sickness.html

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/morning-sickness-cures-847069.html

About the Author:

I'm Julie, mum of two beautiful and very high spirited kids!
After trying for 3 years to get pregnant with my first child, and then knowing nothing about babies when he did come along. I picked up loads of great advice along the way.
I have created my web site to help ease women naturally into motherhood. So grab a cuppa and take a look around my site, dedicated to all the mothers of the world, new and not so new! Motherhood is a joyous occasion, make it the best time in your life!

Top ways to tell if your wife is pregnant - maybe even before she does

Author: Paul Banas

Pregnancy is usually accompanied by a number of telltale signs. If your spouse is pregnant, these pregnancy symptoms will most likely let you know—much before a medical test confirms your happy suspicion. Read on about how to identify signs that could tell you that your spouse is going to become a mother.

  • Your spouse may report increased sensitivity in her breasts. While some women experience this only around their nipples, in others, this feeling extends to the entire breasts.
  • You may see a cluster of bluish veins appear around the breasts.
  • The areola, or the dark circular portion around the nipples, may reveal small, lighter colored bumps.
  • Your spouse's vaginal area may swell. She may also experience vaginal discharge due to the increased blood flow in this region.
  • Changes in your spouse's skin may also be a pregnancy symptom. Acne, rashes, and drying or chapping of the lips is quite common during pregnancy.
  • Many pregnant women also experience a dull cramping pain that is similar to what they experience before or during menstruation.
  • Heartburn may be another sign that could suggest your spouse is pregnant.
  • Morning sickness, characterized by nausea, is a common pregnancy symptom.
  • Your spouse may become intolerant to many smells. Even smells she liked earlier may cause her nausea.
  • Another sign of pregnancy is if your spouse suddenly starts complaining of increasing fatigue.
  • The early stage of pregnancy may also be marked by heightened hunger pangs. At the same time, your spouse may actually develop an aversion for many foods that she relished earlier.
  • Heightened emotional sensitivity is another common pregnancy symptom. Your spouse may display erratic mood changes during this phase in her life.

While these pregnancy symptoms are often reliable pointers, only a medical test will be able to confirm this.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/top-ways-to-tell-if-your-wife-is-pregnant-maybe-even-before-she-does-846239.html

About the Author:
Paul Banas is a founder of GreatDad.com. He writes articles on parenting, dads and pregnancy, pregnant wife, baby names and many more topics related to dads.

Unexpected problems at birth can cause a child to born with cerebral palsy

Author: Alice Shown

An expectant mother has several important decisions to make regarding the birth of her unborn child. Where to deliver, who should deliver, and how to deliver are a few things to consider to ensure a safe and healthy birth.

It is very important to choose a delivering hospital that can handle emergency situations. Women with health problems or those who are at high risk for problems during the delivery process should give birth in a hospital. Hospitals offer the most advanced medical equipment and highly trained doctors for expectant mothers and their babies. In a hospital, doctors can do emergency cesarean sections if the mother or unborn baby is in danger or distress during labor. In some situations medical mistakes are made in which a child is born not breathing and requires intensive care. It is important to make sure that the hospital you choose has a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The NICU has specialized health care professionals and advanced medical equipment necessary to care for a child born with cerebral palsy.

Women have choices in who will deliver their unborn child, such as a nurse midwife or a medical doctor. An obstetrical doctor (OB) is a medical doctor who specializes in the care of expectant mothers and in delivering of babies. Obstetrical doctors also have special training in surgery so they are capable of doing episiotomies and cesarean sections if needed. Children with cerebral palsy are usually born with complications at birth. Such complications include a child who is born not breathing, the need for ventilator assistance to breath, and seizures following delivery. An obstetrical doctor is trained on how to handle unfortunate situations such as these. Although you don’t anticipate that your child will be born with these complications that result in cerebral palsy, an obstetrical doctor would be the best choice should the situation present itself.

A child can be born either naturally (NSVD) or by cesarean section. During a cesarean section delivery, the doctor makes an incision in the mother's abdomen / uterus and removes the baby. This type of delivery is used if the mother has had a prior c-section, or if an emergency situation presents itself. When a child is experiencing fetal distress, a c-section can save the life of the unborn child. Most c-sections result in a healthy mother and baby, however, significant brain injury may have already occurred resulting in cerebral palsy. If your child was born with complications at birth resulting in cerebral palsy, you may want to consult with a qualified birth injury law firm to protect your special needs child.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/unexpected-problems-at-birth-can-cause-a-child-to-born-with-cerebral-palsy-856005.html

About the Author:
I recommend http://www.originsofcerebralpalsy.com/ for more information on Cerebral Palsy.

Common Pregnancy Complications

Author: emmamadison

All pregnancies are not smooth. A few are marred by pregnancy complications. Here are 5 common problems –

1. Ectopic Pregnancy – This condition usually crops up when the fertilized egg decides to implant itself outside the uterus. Most of the times this happens in the fallopian tube. This is also known as tubal pregnancy. One of the first signs is a dull ache or pain spreading from one end of the abdomen to the other. There could also be spotting or a brown bloody discharge. Women with a history of pelvic inflammatory diseases or those who have had an ectopic pregnancy before are at risk as are chain smokers.

2. Gestational Diabetes – This is a kind of temporary diabetes that lasts only till the end of pregnancy. Here the body does not produce enough insulin to deal with the increased. Frequent trips to the bathroom, tiredness and thirst are some of the common symptoms of gestational diabetes. This kind of diabetes is common in older mothers or someone with a family history of diabetes.

3. Placenta Previa - This refers to a placenta that is unusually low in the uterus. The placenta here could be partially or wholly covering the mouth of the uterus. A low lying placenta does not usually pose a problem in the first trimester and can be expected to move up as the pregnancy progresses. If this movement does not happen there could be a case of bleeding in the later stages and even at childbirth. Women carrying multiple fetuses, those who smoke or those with a history of placenta previa in early days are at a higher risk of developing this pregnancy complication. Constant monitoring of the pregnant mother and the fetus is important.

4. Preterm Premature Rupture Of Membrane – This means that the membrane that holds the baby has got torn before term that is earlier than 37 weeks. Usually there is a gushing of fluid from the vagina. A poor diet or vaginal infections can lead to this rupturing. Usually, total bed rest is prescribed to the woman in such a scenario and she is needs carefully monitoring. In case, the baby is too premature to be delivered, medication can be given to stop the delivery for sometime. There is a need to keep a vigil for these vaginal infections and get them treated immediately.

5. Preterm Labor – Labor which usually begins before 37 weeks of pregnancy is labelled as Preterm. Smoking, a history of induced abortions, urinary tract infections, multiple fetuses, age of the pregnant woman being above 40 or below 18 are some of the reasons for a premature labor. It consists of most of the signs of a normal labor like nausea, indigestion, cramps, pinkish or brownish discharge, and actual contractions. Immediate medical attention is required to ensure the safety of the mother and the child. Medication can be administered to delay the childbirth, if the mom-to-be and her unborn baby are in the safety zone.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/5-common-pregnancy-complications-863131.html

About the Author:
Today technology sophistication has allowed early diagnosis and treatment of most pregnancy complications. Having said all that, you are still advised to overcome those anxieties and enjoy your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Massage Therapy - Using Acupressure to Induce Labor

Author: Aurelia

Maternity acupressure techniques date back to ancient times, when reflexology for pregnancy consisted of Chinese methods. There were certain massage techniques marked as forbidden during pregnancy, because these pressure points proved to induce labor. Later on, people realized these acupressure pregnancy points could be used during the initial stages of childbirth for exactly that purpose - to help bring about labor naturally, safely, and easily. They also quickly learned that acupressure during labor could ease the painful symptoms associated with childbirth, relax the mother by reducing stress levels, and even help ease the baby downward by helping it descend into the birth canal.

Pregnant massage offers many benefits to women who are suffering from the back aches and pains associated with having to carry a child for nine months. But pregnancy reflexology goes one step further, using specific pressure points within the body to trigger certain releases that are associated with the very beginning stages of childbirth. Using acupressure to induce labor allows you to begin the process of labor from within the comfort of your home, triggering dilation of the cervix and starting the mild contractions that will lead up to having the baby. Because you begin this process early, you get to fully and safely control the initial stages of childbirth. By the time you get to the hospital, your actual time in labor will be enormously reduced - this is because the reflexology and pregnancy has already advanced your body through the beginning of the birthing process.

Continued massage during labor has even more benefits. In learning how to do maternity acupressure, you are taught the pressure points that relieve pain associated with giving birth. You also learn the pregnancy massage therapy techniques needed to reduce and eliminate stress, relaxing mom and promoting dilation of the cervix. There are pregnancy reflexology pressure points that will help blood flow, and increase oxygen levels for both mother and baby during the delivery process. The combination of these acupressure pregnancy techniques result in a shorter, safer birth for your baby, offering greatly decreased chances for a cesarean section, episomity, or other type of unwanted medical procedures outside of an easy, natural birth.

Maternity acupressure techniques can be learned by anyone, regardless of experience. The reflexology points are easily accessible and they only need a gentle pressure with the thumb in order to activate them. Your partner can learn them quickly and easily, and you can begin enjoying the pain-relieving benefits of this type of massage during pregnancy right away. And acupressure during labor isn't the only way to enjoy the benefits of these reflexology methods. The massage during labor techniques you learn can also be used post-delivery, to help mom relax and enjoy reduced stress during the months and years afterward, while enjoying your baby.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/pregnancy-massage-therapy-using-acupressure-to-induce-labor-856865.html

About the Author:
For more information, check out these Pregnancy Massage Therapy techniques. They'll teach you how to use acupressure to induce labor, reduce stress, and eliminate anxiety leading up to childbirth. And for a complete how-to-guide on maternity acupressure, check out Baby Pregnancy Guide.

Early Signs Of Pregnancy - Am I Pregnant?

Author: emmamadison

Early signs of pregnancy can leave one confused - most of the time it is a missed period that gets you thinking that you might be pregnant. You start to wonder whether you are pregnant or not? You might be pregnant if you have a regular menstrual cycle and this time you have not got your period.

A pregnant woman also goes to the bathroom more than usual? In fact, frequent urination occurs as early as the six weeks. This sign worsens as your pregnancy progresses. This is mainly due to the increasing pressure on the bladder.

Strong odors make a pregnant woman feel queasy and hence increase their feel discomfort. The increasing amounts of estrogen in the system bring this early sign into force. It also differs from woman to woman. You may be a hard core fan of Mocha but now not be able to bear even the smell of it.

Another early sign of pregnancy is that you may start to feel more tired and sleepy. A pregnant woman tends to sleep for longer hours. The feeling of fatigue leaves her lethargic all throughout the day. But the best part is that this symptom does not remain during the entire pregnancy term. There may be a sudden flow of energy once the mother-to-be enters the second trimester.

As an early sign of pregnancy, many women feel that they have bloated and gained a lot of weight. Even though the uterus is still the same size, she may just feel as is she is carrying a lot of weight. Some women may also experience digestion problems. This puffy feel is mainly due the tremendous amount of hormonal changes taking place in the body. Consuming small frequent meals may get you relief.

Last but not the least; a pregnancy test is the surest way to confirm your doubt. You could get a Home pregnancy test kit from your local pharmacy when you see an early sign of pregnancy and use it in the privacy of your home. However, even this test may give false results if you are still in the very early days. If the result is negative, and you still don’t get your period, you should take the test again, after a week.

What’s more, you must know about the other conditions like stress, medication or hormonal problems that prevent you from getting your period. However, if you are pregnant, congrats! Go meet your doctor. You are about to embark on the most wonderful journey of life.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/early-signs-of-pregnancy-am-i-pregnant-865267.html

About the Author:
Home pregnancy test is a good option if you are not sure about an early sign of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Safe Exercise - Be Fit and Healthy While Pregnant

Author: Aurelia

The first thing you'll need to do is monitor your pregnancy weight gain by week. This is the best indication of whether you're in line with proper maternity nutrition or whether you've fallen off the wagon a little. It also keeps you honest, and gives you something be be accountable for each week. Make sure you do it.

Beyond that, get the best pregnancy nutrition information you can find. Seek it out and follow it: as a mother-to-be you may have to increase your calorie intake but that doesn't give you a license to eat anything you see. Normal weight gain during pregnancy involves eating a properly balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, and good fats - do this right and it will help your body stay in shape and assist in the best possible fetal development. Overindulge in the wrong things, and you'll be stuck with rolls of unwanted baby weight. Try to remember that weight loss after childbirth is a lot more difficult than it was before you were pregnant. Your body shape, type, and metabolism might change... but even if it doesn't, you're now in charge of a needy little baby and won't nearly have the free time you had before.

Exercises while pregnant are not all that different than pre-maternity fitness. The main thing to keep in mind is that you should always stop if you feel dizzy, lightheaded, short of breath, or experience any type of pain. You can get a pretty great workout without any of those things, and working up a sweat is a good thing. Just watch your limits, and don't overexert yourself - especially in the third trimester. Below is a list of pregnancy safe exercise you should consider:

* Stretching - No matter which exercises you select, you must always stretch. Sometimes stretching could be considered exercise in and of itself. Make sure you stretch your neck by dropping the chin and slowly rotating your head both clockwise and counterclockwise. Don't rush it - concentrate on feeling the muscles pull and try to go a little further each time. Stretch your shoulders by rolling them forward and upward toward your ears, then downward and back. Rotate each your arms at the sockets, both forward and backward. Flex and stretch your legs, and rotate your ankles and wrists. If done correctly stretching should take 10-15 minutes on its own.

* Pilates - If you've never tried Pilates, I'd highly recommend you take a beginner's class while pregnant. The flexibility and exercise benefits are great, but Pilates will also teach you important breathing techniques that you'll find extremely useful during labor, childbirth, and beyond.

* Swimming - Many pregnant women take up swimming. Why? Mainly because of it's a totally non-impact style of workout. Swimming exercises the entire body at once, is great cardio, and helps oxygenate and stretch the muscles. It's also a ton of fun. Check your local pool for a water aerobics class; you'll be inspired to go each day and you'll make some friends in the process.

* Walking - One of the best ways to get out of the house! Pregnancy can really coop you up, so get out and walk around. Not only do you get new scenery and fresh air, it's also great for your body. Start off with small walks to see how you feel before going on longer ones. And make sure you've got comfortable sneakers. Pregnancy posture is important in helping keep your back pain-free, to say nothing of blistered feet.

* Running - If you're a runner, you can still run. This is especially good news, because many people who've taken up running are usually addicted to it in one way or another. Be very aware of how you feel while running, and never let yourself become exhausted or gasping for breath. In your third trimester, be mindful of how you feel and consult your doctor - he or she you may want to slow down or switch to walking.

* Yoga - Similar to Pilates, Yoga can help with stretching and breathing. It can also teach you mental techniques vital to putting yourself in a good frame of mind. Being calm, peaceful, and relaxed are all healthy benefits to you and your baby. But in Yoga there may be certain exercise positions you should avoid while pregnant, so as with Pilates always consult an instructor first.

Pregnancy Without Pounds is a fantastic online guide that offers even more exercise tips and nutritional information. The techniques found within will help keep you looking amazing the whole time while pregnant and even after delivery. You'll be given pregnancy weight gain by week information and dietary facts on which foods you should be eating as well as which ones you should be avoiding at all costs!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/pregnancy-safe-exercise-be-fit-and-healthy-while-pregnant-865673.html

About the Author:
From more pregnancy safe exercise and other guidelines, check out Pregnancy Without Pounds. And for hundreds of unique baby bedding and gift ideas, check out The Frog and the Princess!

How To Relieve Morning Sickness

Author: emmamadison

The term ‘morning sickness’ refers to nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, however, it does not necessarily have to strike during the morning hours only. The pregnant woman can experience it any time of the day or night. It is however perfectly normal to have this tendency when you are expecting. It does not mean that you or your baby is sick. It happens because of the hormonal changes inside your body after conception.

Useful Tips

Here are certain do’s and don’ts that can help you get relief from the nausea during pregnancy-

  • Take small but more frequent meals throughout the day so that whatever you eat can be digested easily. You should never be too full or too hungry. Never skip your meals.

  • If you do not like the aroma or smell of certain food items, you should avoid them. Stay away from foods that bother you or make you queasy.

  • Avoid fatty, greasy, spicy, and rich foods.

  • When you feel queasy, try eating bland food, such as chicken broths, Popsicles, Jell-O, ginger ale and pretzels.

  • Increase your carbohydrate intake. For example, you can include dry toast, white rice, and plain baked potato in your diet plan.

  • In the morning when you awake, you are strongly recommended to eat a few saltine crackers. It will calm your stomach before you get out of the bed.

  • If you are taking some vitamin supplements as prescribed by your doctor but you strongly think that these vitamins are actually aggravating the problem of morning sickness for you, you should consult your doctor. Changing the vitamins may lessen your problem.

  • Wearing "acupressure" wristbands has also found to be very useful to relieve the problem of nausea. These are the same bands that people wear when they travel in a boat or ship in order to prevent seasickness.

  • Get plenty of rest. Try to get a short nap during the day.

  • If you have to cook for your family, you had better turn on the exhaust fan or open the window so that the odor does not bother you. It would be better to hire someone else to cook for you during your pregnancy term.

  • In order to avoid dehydration, you should drink plenty of fluids – small amounts but more frequently.

  • Do not drink water while you are taking your meals. There must be a gap of at least half an hour between your meals and drinks – it can be either before or after the meals.
  • You should never lie down just after you have taken your meal.

  • In order to relieve nausea, you can also eat watermelon, drink lemonade, and sniff lemon or ginger.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/how-to-relieve-morning-sickness-866876.html

About the Author:
It is also very important for you to understand that when you feel hot, it adds to morning sickness or nausea. Therefore, you should try to keep cool. Inspite of everything if you nausea still persists, you should talk to your health care professional about it. Visit pregnancy resources for more information.

Mind Your Health - You Are Pregnant

Author: emmamadison

With the hectic pace of life today, it is crucial to take adequate health of oneself especially if one is pregnant. Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy when you are a would be mom -

1. Concentrate On Your Diet

There is no alternative to a well balanced pregnancy diet plan. Adequate portions of fruits, vegetables, meat and poultry in your food can help give your growing fetus, the required nourishment. You need to plan your meals well in advance and always keep food handy, so you don’t have to suffer from hunger pangs. Follow the diet prescribed by your gynaecologist. Remember, your doctor knows what's best for you, as she knows your medical and family history.

2. Don't Forget Those Vitamin Supplements

During pregnancy your body need an extra dose of iron and calcium. Iron is not well absorbed through our diet so supplementing this need in the form of medication is important. While iron supplements are said to increase infant mortality rates, calcium supplements can reduce pregnancy complications. Eating calcium rich food like dairy products and leafy vegetables is a good alternative to calcium supplements but your doctor will be your best judge in this matter.

3. Exercise Regularly

Every person is unique, as is every pregnancy. You need to consult your doctor before putting on those exercise shoes. Working out only improves your health during pregnancy but also helps you overcome morning sickness, constipation and stress. While you exercise, keep in mind that you are pregnant. Work out, solely with the purpose of keeping healthy and fit during pregnancy.

4. Throw Out Those Alcohol Bottles and Reduce Your Intake Of Caffeine

Showing the door to addiction alcohol or caffeine may be difficult in the last hour, so plan well in advance. Even before you conceive, reduce or stop caffeine and alcohol consumption. It is best not to indulge in such things when you are pregnant.

5. Stop Smoking -

'Cigarette Smoking is injurious to health ' is the caption found on every packet of cigarette that you smoke. The need to quit smoking is important during pregnancy, for your health as well as your unborn child’s wellbeing. Smoking by pregnant women is known to be the cause of a lot many infant deaths and abortions. There is also evidence that children born to mothers who smoke are intellectually and physically deficient.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/mind-your-health-you-are-pregnant-866899.html

About the Author:

In order to maintain good pregnancy health, a positive approach to life can have astounding effects on your body. Keep happy and think positive during your pregnancy term. Visit pregnancy resources for more information.

Pregnancy Symptoms - The Excitement Has Begun

Author: emmamadison

The exciting journey of motherhood has all sorts of pregnancy symptoms attached to it. You have happily discovered that you are pregnant and just like any other mom-to-be, you too are worried about what lies ahead in this wonderful journey. No matter how smooth the period is, it does come with its own sets and problems.

During the first trimester of the pregnancy, some women suffer from nausea. They may just feel sick by some particular odor and might feel the same way all throughout the day. They may feel like vomiting but are unable to vomit. Nausea is connected to morning sickness and vomiting. However, some lucky women manage to escape this. The degree and time of nausea differs from woman to woman. For many of them, it stops at the end of the first trimester. Some women feel good if they eat some chips and sip Ginger Ale while they are suffering from nausea. Several rests in a day may relax them. Nausea, vomiting and morning sickness are all caused due to the changes in the hormonal level or an imbalance in the sugar level.

Pregnancy symptoms change when a woman enters the second trimester. Well…now she can no longer hide the fact that she is expecting and starts showing this off pretty well. During the second trimester, she may feel some symptoms like pain in the pelvic area. The body stretches to make room for the growing baby. The uterus is expanding and if the pain gets very severe and fever accompanies it, then it is time to call your doctor. The increase in the flow of blood cause many women to bleed from their nose and gums. This is a very common symptom and is nothing to worry about.

The last pregnancy trimester is the time for all possible discomforts. Many women get so big that it is actually difficult to be mobile for them. Acidity and indigestion are the most common symptoms at this time. Heartburn also occurs occasionally. This is due to the stomach acids that back up and irritate your system. Indigestion makes one feel bloated and puffy.

Many women also do not get regular bowel movements. They feel gassy and stuffed. This can be taken care of by eating the right type of foods at the right time of the day. This condition worsens as the uterus presses itself against the stomach, giving it less room for its job. Back pains are also pretty severe in some cases. This is mainly due to the steady weight gain that has been occurring for some time now. A heating pad on the back for not more than ten minutes may relax the pregnant woman and give relief. The kind of leg pains and cramps that many women encounter become unbearable and this is one of the major symptoms of pregnancy in the later stages.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/pregnancy-symptoms-the-excitement-has-begun-866959.html

About the Author:
Whatever discomfort she face from the pregnancy symptoms, it seems worth it when a woman actually sees her own baby. Visit pregnancy resources for more information.

Top Prenatal Vitamins to Help in Getting Pregnant After 40

Author: Aurelia

The good news is that pregnancy after 40 isn't as difficult as it used to be. A getting pregnant calendar should be your first step: make sure you carefully mark the days of your cycle in order to maximize your chances. Knowing your ovulation date is the single most important factor when it comes to conceiving a child, so make sure you and your partner are aware of when these days are.

The best pregnancy food to eat includes anything that will help you stay energized. Balance proteins such as meats, fish, eggs and poultry against healthy carbohydrates like fruit, nuts, and whole grains or cereals. Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated, and try to increase your physical activity so that you're getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Getting pregnant after 40 requires your body to be in the best possible shape, both for you and your future baby.

The best pregnancy vitamins include supplements that your body may no longer be getting enough of. As a woman advances in age her metabolism decreases, and the breaking down of food and nutrients isn't as efficient as it used to be. Trying to conceive a baby while your body is deficient of essential minerals can be an uphill battle, which is why the following recommended prenatal vitamin regimen should be considered:

* Folic Acid - This supplement is a must have. It's the number one pre-pregnancy vitamin prescribed to women of any age, and it's an important part of early fetal development. You should make sure Folic Acid is at the top of your list.

* Iron - Getting enough iron can be a problem as you get older. For women who are anemic, iron is especially important. Make sure you're getting your daily recommended allowance.

* Calcium - As you probably already know, calcium breakdown can be a common female problem as age increases. Ovulation and getting pregnant requires that you get more than enough of this vital element.

* DHA - Many top prenatal vitamins include docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This is an omega-3 fatty acid normally found in fish that is important for brain and heart development and health. Because women trying to become pregnant often limit their intake of fish due to concerns about mercury, they sometimes miss out on getting enough DHA in their diet. Make up for it here.

* Alpha Lipoic Acid - Essential to producing energy at a cellular level, C0Q10 and alpha lipoic acid are fairly expensive and not commonly found in most prenatal supplements... but these nutrients can have incredibly powerful effects on your body's function. If you can work these into your budget, they're certainly worth it.

* Zinc - Want to really boost fertility? Zinc has been shown to do just that, in numerous studies. It can be taken while trying to get pregnant in order to stimulate fertility and you should continue to take it while pregnant to help in the development in your baby's tissues.

* Vitamin B6 - Not only do the B-complex vitamins help give you an energy boost, but this particular supplement has been proven to decrease symptoms of morning sickness. By increasing chances of getting pregnant with this mineral, you're also helping out with how you'll feel once you've already conceived.

No matter how old you are, it's never a bad idea to be on the best pregnancy vitamin plan possible. It's also important to realize that there are foods that you should avoid while trying to get pregnant, and over the counter medications and herbal remedies that could be counterproductive to having a baby. On the flip side of the coin, there are many that can actually help in Getting pregnant after 40.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/top-prenatal-vitamins-to-help-in-getting-pregnant-after-40-869362.html

About the Author:

For more information, check out these tricks to getting pregnant. And for the best baby and pregnancy advice, be sure to visit Baby Pregnancy Guide!

Watch For These Five Surest Pregnancy Symptoms

Author: emmamadison

Understanding the pregnancy symptoms requires no special knowledge of the subject. However, the signs may vary from woman to woman. So, it is desirable to learn to detect the changes in the body and lifestyle of the mother. Pregnancy usually lasts for about 40 weeks and the care for the fetus should increase with the time. But it is always better to start taking care of the unborn as soon as possible. That is why it is important to learn to understand the early signs of pregnancy.

Some Of The Most Effective Ways To Detect Impending Motherhood

1. The best and one of the most striking symptoms include a delayed or missed menstruation period. The first period after ovulation is usually missed or delayed. Some women may bleed too. However, the bleeding is shorter or lighter than that of a normal period. So, if you are otherwise pretty regular with periods and of a childbearing age, it is worthwhile to go for a test after missing a period.

2. Another useful symptom for detection of pregnancy is implantation bleeding. It happens usually within 6 to 12 days of conception. Some women may experience spotting, a slight staining of pink or brown color. Cramping is also quite common during this phase.

3. Swollen or tender breasts are another pregnancy symptom that is quite common among all groups of women. The breasts may become tender enough, similar to the way they feel before the periods. The breasts may be sore and swollen, too.

4. Frequent urination is also one of the early signs of pregnancy. This usually happens during 6 to 8th week after conception. So, if you feel that you are probably making more trips to the bathroom than usual, it might be due to being pregnant. However, if sensations of burning and stinging accompany urination, it is probably due to a urinary tract infection. In any case, it is worthwhile to check out the pathologists clinic.

5. One of the other useful signs includes morning sickness or nausea. The pregnant woman may feel nauseated and queasy as soon as a couple of days after conception. Nevertheless, there are some lucky souls too, who escape this symptom altogether. However, most women suffer from this condition. There is no definite time for a woman to have this feeling. It might occur at any time during a day.

Pregnancy tests are, however, the surest way to check whether a woman is pregnant or not.

Still, it is advisable to keep track of the daily life and signs of pregnancy of the mother who is expecting. It is easier to conclude whether the most blissful moment in a womans life has knocked the door, with the help of these pregnancy symptoms. Visit http://www.pregnancy-resources.com for more information.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/watch-for-these-five-surest-pregnancy-symptoms-867139.html

About the Author:

Still, it is advisable to keep track of the daily life and early signs of

of the mother who is expecting. It is easier to conclude whether the most blissful moment in a womans life has knocked the door, with the help of these pregnancy symptoms.

Exercise and Gestational Diabetes

Author: Kelliann Bateman

With more than 24 million Americans living with type two diabetes and gestational diabetes (pregnancy induced diabetes) becoming more common, many people think that you are either one of the lucky--who escape diabetes-- or one of the unlucky, who must live with it. Fortunately, you actually have a significant amount of control over diabetes during your twin pregnancy--and well beyond.

Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance, which basically means that insulin receptors require more insulin than normal to regulate carbohydrates, fats, and protein metabolism. Insulin resistance leads to health issues such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and abdominal fat gain--to name a few. With a good diet and--you guessed it--a good exercise plan, you can control insulin levels. Not only has aerobic exercise shown to be beneficial in controlling insulin levels, but new research indicates that your dumbbells may be the best defense. Resistance training (weight lifting) not only helps type II diabetes, but can treat it as well.

According to the journal Physical Therapy, increasing muscle mass (lean tissue) leads to an increased resting metabolic rate, protein reserve, exercise tolerance and functional mobility. In order to reap these benefits, you need to participate in some type of moderate exercise on a daily basis (exercise will moderate insulin levels for 24 hours).

As long as you get the green light from your doctor or midwife, both you and your twins will benefit from exercise. If you are put on a modified exercise--and dumbbells are out--then ask about swimming, short walks or even dancing in the living room to your favorite tunes.

To learn more about staying healthy and fit during pregnancy and pregnancy with multiples, visit www.twinpregnancyinfo.com. The Mother's Resource for a Healthy and Informed Pregnancy.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/exercise-and-gestational-diabetes-869616.html

About the Author:
Kelliann has writing expertise in the areas of health, fitness, and nutrition. Kelliann also has intimate knowledge of high-risk pregnancy, twin and multiple birth, and maternal health.

She is president and founder of both TwinPregnancy.info and FitWithTwins.com, where expectant and new mothers find the latest information on pregnancy with multiples and post-pregnancy fitness.

For further information please contact Kelliann at ThePen@kelliannbateman.com

Pregnant? Remain Stretch Mark Free

Author: Kelliann Bateman

One of my biggest fears throughout my twin pregnancy was that stretch marks were inevitable. Every source I consulted gave me an overwhelming "YES, YES, and YES you WILL get stretch marks," as an answer. I learned of horrors such as twin skin, which is a condition that leaves your stomach looking like a deflated balloon--loose, floppy, and covered in stretch marks. I was horrified. When I expressed this, I felt like people were labeling me as someone who was superficial.

When I spoke of stretch marks and twin skin phobia, people said things to me such as "It really won't matter, you will be so busy taking care of babies." My personal favorites was, "Well you are thirty-five and already married, you won't care." I also heard, "It doesn't really matter what it does to your body as long as the babies are born healthy!" Of course I wanted to have healthy babies--that was my biggest priority--but I still did not want to spend the rest of my life feeling like I needed to cover up.

The fact is you do not need to sit back and wait for twin skin or stretch marks to leave you with a stomach in ruination! There are things you can do to take action before that happens.

I do not have twin skin or any stretch marks. When my twin boys were delivered, I was carrying 11 pounds of baby, plus the additional weight in amniotic fluid, placenta, etc... I was stretched to beyond maximum capacity, yet my stomach escaped unscathed.

By working out, eating foods that help to support healthy skin, and staying hydrated, you can, if not completely avoid, at least minimize stretch marks and twin skin.

The fact is, in spite of what you have heard, it is NOT a foregone conclusion that you WILL get stretch marks and that there is NOTHING you can do about it. Before you run out and buy gallons of cocoa cream or miracle moisturizers (although helpful for moisturizing) beware that they will not prevent stretch marks.

First, it is important to understand what a stretch mark really is. Basically, it is scarring of the skin, which is caused due to tearing of the middle layer (the dermis). The dermis helps skin retain its shape. Stretch marks often begin in a shade of purple or an angry red, and over time, fade to silvery lines or areas on the skin that appear empty and are soft (kind of mushy) to the touch.

Stretch marks frequently appear when the skin undergoes a time of rapid stretching such as during pregnancy, puberty, significant weight gain due to obesity, and body-building. However, rapid growth is not the only factor. The hormone glucocorticoid (a class of steroid hormones), is also a factor.

Most women, as many as 90%, develop stretch marks during pregnancy. Doesn't sound like the odds are in your favor, so what, if anything, can be done?

Surprisingly, you may have more control than you think. The secret is not in any of the many miracle creams out there, but instead, can be controlled through diet, hydration, and staying fit.

Exercise has a direct affect on your ability to fight stretch marks in more than one way. Exercise and diet can help to maintain a healthy weight which helps keep rapid stretching in check but more importantly, exercise controls the level of glucocorticoids. The glucocorticoids impair the production of collagen in the skin, which leads to a decrease in the skin's elasticity. Remember, ?stretch marks form in the areas where your skin's elasticity breaks down. Stretch marks do not appear as long as there is support from the dermis. When the support breaks down, you are left with unsightly striations, or what we know as stretch marks.

For more facts on pregnancy and pregnancy with multiples, visit www.twinpregnancyinfo.com. The Mother's Resource for a Healthy and Informed Pregnancy

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/pregnant-remain-stretch-mark-free-869736.html

About the Author:

Kelliann has writing expertise in the areas of health, fitness, and nutrition. Kelliann also has intimate knowledge of high-risk pregnancy, twin and multiple birth, and maternal health.

She is founder and editor of both TwinPregnancy.info and FitWithTwins.com, where expectant and new mothers find the latest information on pregnancy with multiples and post-pregnancy fitness.

For further information please contact Kelliann at ThePen@kelliannbateman.com

Preparing the Nursery for Twins

Author: Kelliann Bateman

There are some items you will need two of. Even if you have decided on co-bedding, you will eventually need two cribs, and I would recommend at least six sets of crib bedding. One set on the bed, one in washing-machine, and a back-up in the closet, and then multiply that by 2 for a total of six (at least). You will also need two highchairs, two car-seats, one stroller--built for two. You will NOT need two dressers, two changing tables, two diaper pails, nor do you need two of every stuffed animal to ever grace the shelves at Wal-Mart or Toys "R" Us.

Although many retailers would have you believe that you need every brightly colored piece of plastic packaged as a "much needed baby item," I assure you, you do not need 99.9% of it. Your life is about to become extremely complicated, whether your twins are your first children or you already have a house full. The last thing you need is a bunch of "stuff" cluttering up every corner of your home. Leave some room to walk in the dark at 2:00 a.m. without stepping on something, tripping on something, or needing a GPS System to navigate some complicated path to your crying baby--or babies. My personal motto: Counter Tops NOT Clutter Tops.

Another pitfall to avoid is breaking the budget trying to keep up with the opulent nurseries you find featured in magazines and gracing celebrity homes. Realistically, even if you can afford it, extravagant nurseries are for you, not the babies. Your babies could care less if they are sleeping in a crib that cost thousands of dollars or in a crib that you picked up for twenty dollars at a yard sale (as long as it meets safety standards). It doesn't matter to your babies if the valance and dust ruffle match. I know people who put so much time and effort into planning the nursery and baby shower, I wondered if they were having children for the attention it gets them! Either way, there is no practicality to eccentric nurseries. The bassinet that cost hundreds of dollars that you need two of? They will grow out of within 2 -3 months. Put the same money in a college fund.

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't enjoy putting together your new babies' space, it just means that it shouldn't be a stressful event that leaves you in financial ruin or leaves you paying off elaborate baby furniture that your children have long since outgrown. Shop around, compare prices, take advantage of the internet, and ask friends and family members if they have baby items that they no longer need.

New Mom quick Tips:

  • Initially you will use many onesies, receiving blankets, and sleepers--especially with twins! Stock up on these items.
  • One of the best investments you can make is a food processor. Not only will it save you money, it is healthier for your babies. In spite of what you may think, it is actually quite convenient and simple to use. Purchase fresh vegetables and steam them--you can use the microwave. Add steamed vegetables and a little water to the food processor and you have homemade baby food packed with nutrients. When you buy your food processor, it will provide you with step by step instructions.

For more on twins, visit www.twinpregnancyinfo.com where you will find the latest information regarding twin development, fraternal twins vs. identical twins, weight gain, high risk pregnancy, understanding cervical cerclage and medical testing, as well as health, nutrition, and fitness.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/preparing-the-nursery-for-twins-869886.html

About the Author:

Kelliann has writing expertise in the areas of health, fitness, and nutrition. Kelliann also has intimate knowledge of high-risk pregnancy, twin and multiple birth, and maternal health.

She is founder and editor of both TwinPregnancy.info and FitWithTwins.com, where expectant and new mothers find the latest information on pregnancy with multiples and post-pregnancy fitness.

For further information please contact Kelliann at ThePen@kelliannbateman.com

Twin Pregnancy Weight Gain

Author: Kelliann Bateman

Pregnancy, with or without multiples, is not the time to try to lose weight. However, you do not need to gain inordinate amounts, which will be difficult to lose later, either. Try to keep your weight gain within the guidelines provided by your doctor.

Depending on your pre-pregnancy weight, the recommended weight gain will vary, but a good rule of thumb is as follows:

If you are at a healthy starting weight with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 18.5 to 24.9, for a singleton pregnancy your weight gain should be around 25 to 35 pounds, which is broken down as 3 to 5 pounds in the first trimester and 1 pound every week thereafter. For a twin pregnancy, the guidelines have traditionally been about 10 pounds more than a singleton, for a total weight gain of 35 to 45 pounds. Many doctors are now recommending 24 pounds by week 24 and 1.5 pounds every week thereafter. Since 38 weeks is considered full-term with twins, based on this, your total weight gain should be around 45 pounds, give or take depending on whether you are underweight or overweight to begin with.

The best way to keep your weight in check is by following a healthy diet. Start by cutting out the junk such as sugars, refined carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats (see nutrition at www.twinpregnancyinfo.com), but don't skimp on the good stuff. Unless you have been told otherwise by your doctor, exercise is safe during pregnancy and provides many benefits to you and your baby (or babies). One of the benefits (of many), is helping to regulate your weight gain.

Remember that the BMI guidelines DO NOT apply to a woman during pregnancy. This should be used only as a tool for your starting weight. If you are concerned about your weight gain, please speak with your doctor or midwife for advice.

Visit www.twinpregnancyinfo.com where you will find the latest information regarding twin development, fraternal twins vs. identical twins, weight gain management, high risk pregnancy, understanding cervical cerclage and medical testing, as well as health, nutrition, and fitness.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/twin-pregnancy-weight-gain-870150.html

About the Author:
Kelliann has writing expertise in the areas of health, fitness, and nutrition. Kelliann also has intimate knowledge of high-risk pregnancy, twin and multiple birth, and maternal health.

She is president and founder of both TwinPregnancy.info and FitWithTwins.com, where expectant and new mothers find the latest information on pregnancy with multiples and post-pregnancy fitness.

For further information please contact Kelliann at ThePen@kelliannbateman.com

Born to early

Author: jabria

These births account for 75% of newborn deaths not related to malformations. The dramatic decline in newborn mortality in the US in the past 30 years is due to significant improvements in newborn intensive care, not a reduction in the number of babies born early. It is most discouraging that the rate of preterm birth in this country has not changed since recordkeeping began in the 1950's.

What is preterm birth?

Preterm birth is defined as birth before the 37th week of gestation, calculated from the first day of the woman's last normal menstrual period. A baby is considered full term if born within 2 weeks of the "due date", (40 weeks after the last period). The smallest preterm babies (weighing below 1500 grams) are two hundred times more likely to die in the first year of life than babies born weighing greater than 2500 grams. Even if they survive, these very small infants are at 10 times greater risk of long term problems such as vision and hearing complications, chronic lung disease, cerebral palsy, and other neurological disorders.

What is preterm labor?

Preterm labor is defined as regular contractions of the uterus, plus a change in the amount of opening and thinning of the cervix before the 37th week of gestation. A woman's perception of her contractions varies, and studies have not shown that routinely examining the cervix during pregnancy is helpful in detecting preterm labor. Maternity care providers struggle with the diagnosis. Half of all women with a diagnosis of preterm labor (they have contractions and cervical change) go on to full term pregnancy without any treatment. Twenty percent of women who don't meet the criteria for preterm labor (they have contractions, but their cervix doesn't change, for example), come back to deliver preterm anyway.

What causes preterm labor and birth?

Despite serious efforts to reduce preterm birth, there is little good news. Factors that start a normal, term labor are poorly understood, and preterm labor is more perplexing. Researchers have tried to identify the causes of preterm labor and birth, the women who are at risk, and ways to prevent or treat preterm labor. Very few clear answers have emerged.

Most often, the cause of preterm labor is unknown. Sometimes malformations of the uterus or cervix are associated with early delivery. Often these are unknown to the woman prior to becoming pregnant. Even if known, how much a uterine fibroid or unusually shaped uterus will affect the pregnancy is often difficult to predict.

One cause of preterm labor is premature (before labor begins), preterm (before full term) rupture of membranes. It is not known why the fetal membranes rupture too early in some pregnancies. When the fluid around the baby leaks out, the baby and mother are exposed to infection. Labor usually occurs within a few days. Babies born too early face significant problems, and infection makes the situation worse.

Infections of the vagina, cervix, or uterus have been studied as possible causes of preterm rupture of the membranes. When infection is present in the vagina or cervix, toxins produced by the organism may weaken the membranes, making them more likely to leak or rupture. Inflammation from infections causes a local release of a substance known as prostaglandin. Prostaglandins are found throughout the body, and the substance is believed to have some role in the beginning of labor. Why some women have infections without early rupture of membranes or preterm labor is unknown. Organisms believed to increase the chances of early rupture of membranes include the gonorrhea, trichomonas, and beta-streptococcus organisms. Many sexually transmitted diseases are routinely screened for in pregnancy, and recent recommendations for beta-streptococcal infections have been published.

Who is at risk for preterm labor and birth?

Since certain factors seem to be associated with preterm birth (low socioeconomic status, nonwhite race, age under 18 or over 40, previous preterm labor or delivery, and underweight prior to pregnancy), there have been many attempts to develop a reliable way to screen women for their risk of delivering too early. Providing a risk "score" for women believed to be more likely to have a preterm birth results in one fourth of the pregnant population being identified as "high risk". But only 10% of babies are born preterm, so more than half of "high risk" mothers don't deliver preterm. Of the women who are identified as "low risk" during their pregnancy, more than half of them deliver preterm. The factor that most accurately predicts the likelihood of delivering too early is a history of a preterm birth in a prior pregnancy. This is not helpful for women pregnant for the first time. It is no wonder risk scoring has proved so disappointing.

How can preterm labor be prevented?

Obviously, if the causes of preterm labor are unclear, and the women who are at risk are hard to identify, designing a plan to prevent the problem is very difficult. Some of the approaches have included regular cervical exams in pregnancy (to detect early changes in the cervix), teaching women how to recognize uterine contractions, electronic monitoring for uterine contractions, and evaluation of a variety of naturally occurring chemical substances in the vagina or maternal blood stream. Since the signs and symptoms of preterm labor frequently overlap the normal symptoms of pregnancy, most prevention programs are not very effective.

A new test ...

Recent reports of a biochemical substance detectable in the vagina have shown some promise. Fetal Fibronectin is a special protein which has been identified in vaginal secretions in the early weeks of pregnancy, and again 1-2 weeks before labor begins. Studies have shown that the test for fetal fibronectin (a simple swab of vaginal fluid) is helpful in predicting preterm delivery, and the test may help predict the opposite problem - pregnancies which continue postterm. The test seems to be most helpful in predicting which of the women with a diagnosis of preterm labor (contractions plus change in the cervix) will actually deliver early, since up to 50% may continue to term with no treatment. Fetal fibronectin may also be helpful in predicting preterm labor in women who have no symptoms.

How is preterm labor treated?

How to treat preterm labor (or whether to treat at all) remains a question yet to be answered. Bedrest and intravenous fluids are believed to help stop contractions for some women, but clear benefit has not been shown. Treating preterm labor with medication has historically been unpleasant for the mother, at times dangerous, and has shown limited benefit in reducing numbers of preterm births.

Studies have not shown a clear improvement in the survival of preterm babies or how well they do later with long term use of drugs to stop contractions of the uterus (tocolytics). Side effects are very common and dangerous effects, though quite rare (fluid in the lungs, blood chemistry imbalances, heart problems, liver and kidney complications and even death) have been recorded.

Today, tocolytic drugs appear most helpful in delaying birth for a few days to a week. This time may allow transfer of the mother to a high risk center with capability to care for the preterm infant or the use of steroid drugs to speed up maturing of the baby's lungs. Babies between 24 and 34 weeks gestation clearly benefit when steroids are given to the mother before delivery. These infants have been shown to have fewer respiratory difficulties, the major problem of preterm birth, and therefore fewer complications from being born early. The best time for the steroid is 24 hours before birth and the effect lasts for one week after it is given. Advantages of using steroids when the amniotic membranes are ruptured or leaking is less clear. Antibiotics may be helpful with rupture of membranes, and medical studies are ongoing.

Preterm newborn survival has been shown to be greatest in high risk centers with neonatal intensive care units. Transportation of the mother while still pregnant is better than transporting the tiny newborn.

Reducing your risk of preterm birth

Because preterm labor and birth are so very hard to detect and prevent, early and consistent prenatal care is very important. Reducing exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, good nutrition and weight gain, quitting cigarette smoking and alcohol or drug use can also reduce your risk. Awareness of the signs and symptoms of preterm labor can help you identify changes from normal that may indicate a problem. In general, it is believed that early treatment is most beneficial.

What to look for

You might be considered more "at risk" for preterm labor or birth if you:

  1. Had a previous preterm labor or birth.
  2. Have an abnormally shaped uterus, or are a DES daughter.
  3. Had two or more pregnancy losses after the 13th week.
  4. Have an incompetent cervix or uterine fibroids.
  5. Are currently pregnant with twins or multiples.
  6. Have severe kidney or urinary tract infections.
  7. Have a placenta previa.
  8. Have too much or too little amniotic fluid.

Any "risk" for preterm labor is best evaluated by your caregiver - physician or nurse midwife.

The following signs may occur with preterm labor. They can also be a part of a very normal pregnancy. It is important for you to recognize what may be a change from your normal pregnancy experience.

  1. Uterine Contractions: tightening of the uterus which occurs more often than 4 times per hour. They will probably be painless. Report them to your caregiver if position changes, emptying your bladder and increasing your fluid intake do not make them less than 4 per hour within 1-2 hours. A pattern of contractions may be normal for you, and may increase a little toward the end of your pregnancy. If it is more than 3 weeks before your due date and there is a change in the contraction pattern, contact your caregiver.
  1. Menstrual-like cramps - may be normal, but feel your uterus for contractions.
  2. Low, dull backache - check for contractions.
  3. Pelvic pressure.
  4. Intestinal cramps, gas pains, diarrhea.
  5. Increase or change in vaginal discharge.
  6. A general feeling that something is not right.

What to do if you notice signs of preterm labor:

First, empty your bladder, then lie down on your left side to feel for contractions. Do not lie flat on your back. Place your fingertips on your uterus and indent all over with the tips of your fingers. A contraction feels firm all over the uterus, and may make the outline of the uterus easier to feel. Contractions gradually soften. Contractions may be painless! If you feel more than 4 contractions in one hour:

  • rest on your side for an hour
  • drink 2-3 glasses of water or juice
  • if they do not become less frequent than 4 contractions per hour, call your caregiver. Don't think you are being a pest or complaining. It may be the best thing you ever do for your baby!

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/born-to-early-875047.html

Getting Back in Shape After a New Baby

Author: Bernice Eker

Many women find themselves in a dilemma after giving birth, when the desire to lose the extra weight they have gained is in contradiction to the health needs required for breast feeding. So many women are still conditioned to the idea that "eating for two" is fine while pregnant, then find themselves with extra pounds after the birth that they were not expecting. It is important to recognize that, if breastfeeding, the mother is still providing nourishment for two even after the baby has been born. While the urgency to lose weight seems difficult to overcome, it is reassuring to note that the female body is a remarkable piece of work, and the act of breastfeeding itself actually aids in shrinking the uterus after giving birth.

When trying to lost post baby weight, the breastfeeding mother must be sure to maintain proper nutrition levels to assure that the infant is getting its daily levels of vitamin and mineral requirements met. Of course, the prenatal ob/gyn will be able to assist with charts and diet plans that will help the new mother lose weight while breastfeeding. Furthermore, most new moms are shocked to find out that they actually have to maintain a higher level of calories than they would expect, again to assure proper weight gain for the baby, because the baby will absorb so many calories during feeding. Again, allowed to work its magic, the female body knows what its doing and is well designed to return to pre-pregnancy status as soon as possible after the birth of a child.

There is really little need for active dieting after giving birth for the breastfeeding mother, as the baby absorbs so many calories during feeding. The key to successful weight loss will be in maintaining healthy eating habits, fortified with plenty of fruits and vegetables and staying away from sugar and fat filled snacks.

When making meal plan decisions, also be sure to select healthier food items, such as whole grain breads and pastas, and low-fat milk and yogurt - if your doctor agrees that low-fat products are appropriate for your post pregnancy dietary needs. In some cases, many doctors will advise against low-fat foods while breastfeeding to help maintain healthy weight gains for the baby.

Most important for the breastfeeding mother to remember is to stay hydrated. Your doctor will advise and recommend drinking a large glass of water before and after every time you feed the baby. Don't neglect this important step. All new mothers find that the feeding requirements of a breastfed baby are much more frequent than they anticipated, and it is very easy for you and your baby to become dehydrated.

The best advice for accomplishing weight loss after pregnancy is to adopt a routine exercise program, rather than concentrating on dieting. In this way, you will regain your stamina and muscle tone, burn excess calories, and if you can take your new baby along on your daily walk or jog, you can also help build daily activity habits that you and your new child can share for years to come.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/getting-back-in-shape-after-a-new-baby-875840.html

About the Author:

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Gender Selection Diet - What Should You Eat?

Author: julie gardner

So is it true? Can you now select the sex of your next baby by watching what foods you do and don't eat?

According to many Mothers in today's world, and Fathers too, it is possible! The gender selection diet will have you altering what you eat to increase your chances of conceiving either a girl or a boy.

For hundreds of years women have been trying everything possible to influence the gender of their yet to be conceived children. In today's society where our governments tell us what is and isn't ethical, and make rules that it's citizens have to abide by, then taking certain matters into our own hands was bound to happen sooner or later.

Natural gender selection and all of the differing methods that surround it are quickly surfacing to replace the illegal (in certain countries) medically assisted methods. Gender selection by medical intervention in some countries is now only allowed for certain purposes. To prevent varying genetic and hereditary illness and disease from being passed down the line of more generations.

What the gender selection diet does exactly no-one is sure. Some believe that it makes the woman's body acceptable to either the male or female sperm. How it does this is yet again another question that can't be properly answered. Some believe that the gender selection diet can alter the acidity of the mucus inside the vagina, high acidity is said to favour a boy, low acidity, a girl. Douching used to be a technique that some women used, although experts tend to steer women away from this method now as it has been linked to causing infection.

Whatever it does do, doesn't seem to matter as couples all over the world are raving at it's success rate. While it can be no where near 100% successful ( only one method can claim to be 99-100% successful and that method is medically assisted!) It seems to be tipping the balance for natural gender selection. As long as it takes you above the 50% chance of success that you have already, then I guess it's worth a try!

It does seem easy to follow, eat more of a certain food type to tip the balance in the gender stakes. The only problem seems to be... What if you don't like what you're told to eat?

To see what types of food can help in your quest for a boy or a girl, check out http://www.new-baby-and-beyond.com/gender-selection-diet.html

Or check out all http://www.new-baby-and-beyond.com/natural-gender-selection.html

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pregnancy-articles/gender-selection-diet-what-should-you-eat-876267.html

About the Author:
I'm Julie, mum of two beautiful but very demanding kids!

After trying for 3 years to get pregnant with my first child, and then knowing nothing about babies when he did come along. I picked up loads of great advice along the way.
I have created my web site to help ease women naturally into motherhood. So grab a cuppa and take a look around my site, dedicated to all the mothers of the world, new and not so new! Motherhood is a joyous occasion, make it the best time in your life!

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