Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Stages Of Pregnancy In Case Of Twins

Author: Abhishek Agarwal

Why do some women give birth to one child only, and why do others have twins? A careful study would reveal that if there are plenty of twins in the family, generation after generation may have one pair of twins at least thereafter. Even women who have been consuming fertility drugs increase their chances of delivering twins. Sometimes, a woman reaches an advanced age before deciding to go in for a pregnancy. In such cases, two eggs or even more, may be released by the ovaries and so she is bound to give birth to twins. Whatever be the primary cause of producing twins, every woman wonders if the stages of pregnancy with twins are going to be any different from those undergone by a mother who is due to deliver a single child.

Of course, nature takes the same course as it always does, be it a single child or twins. The only difference is that the stages of pregnancy with twins are more prominent or rather, more visible. As a matter of fact, there is hardly any difference noted during the first few weeks of pregnancy. The fetus is too small to be detected by the to-be-mother herself or even the latest in technology gadgets! Thus, whether single or twins, all fetuses undergo the same process of development.

Many pregnant women believe that weight gain is a reliable source of information, but that is not the case. Multiple births is bound to result in in an enlarged uterus. The first pregnancy has caused the internal organs to be stretched. So naturally, she feels that she is putting on a lot of weight in the subsequent pregnancies. This weight gain is evident during the first three months.

Apart from weight gain, a few pregnant women experience severe morning sickness in the earlier stages of pregnancy, more so than other mothers generally do. But this is not a surefire method to detect if the woman is undergoing the stages of pregnancy with twins, especially if it is a first-time pregnancy.

If twins are on the way, the second and third stages of pregnancy with twins will reveal pronounced weight gain. In fact, if at the end of six months, there is an additional weight of more than 15 pounds, it is time to consult the doctor. Tests and ultrasounds will indicate the presence of a second fetus. If twins are seen, the mother-to-be has to be very careful during the third trimester. This is when the stages of pregnancy with twins can bring on potential health hazards for both the mother and the children.

A noticeable difference is seen when the woman with twins advances into her pregnancy. The weight gain is much more than in a mother who is about to deliver a single child, resulting in a lot of discomfort for the woman who is about to deliver twins. It is here that the stages of pregnancy with twins begin to differ. Having very little room to move around, the twin fetuses decide to come into the world much faster than the single baby; so premature births are common in such cases. The doctor’s duty is to try and keep the twin fetuses within the mother’s uterus for as long as 30 weeks and more to ensure their survival. After delivery, there is no problem. The twins will undergo the same stages of development like any other newborn.

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About the Author:
Abhishek has got some great Pregnancy And Childbirth Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 77 Pages Ebook, "Understanding Pregnancy!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

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