Thursday, July 2, 2009

Breastfeeding Benefits

Author: Abhishek Agarwal

Breastfeeding your baby has many benefits. It is considered as a natural way to feed a baby and is a beautiful thing. Breastfeeding provides the new born baby with all the essential requirements of the body for a healthy life.

There are no consequences and has various benefits of breastfeeding. Babies that breastfeed my their mothers are less susceptible towards many diseases and possess healthier body weight.

Breastfed babies automatically stops once they are fill. Along with milk goes those essential antibodies in the body of the baby which helps him or her to fight against illnesses and infections. There are practically endless benefits of breastfeeding.

One of the most important benefit of breastfeeding is the bond that is established between mother and baby. In some cases, it has been discovered that babies feel emotional distress if they do not experience personal contact and closeness of his or her mother. Therefore it is very important that the mother spend one-on-one time with baby.

There are various benefits of breastfeeding that are essential for the healthy start of life. Baby deserves his or her right to be breastfeed. You should plan to breastfeed your baby once you get pregnant.

Many women are confused about the ways to properly breastfeed their baby. Consider the few points described below to learn breastfeeding.

1- First of all you need to sit comfortably keeping your lap flat and back straight. To support your little baby during breastfeeding you can place a pillow on your lap.

2- Now, turn the body of your baby towards your stomach so that the baby comes in perfect position for breastfeeding. Bottom portion of your baby should rest on your elbow. Baby's shoulders, neck and head should be provided support using your hands and forearm.

3- It's time to position the baby's nose in front of your nipple so that the breastfeeding can begin. You must allow the head of your baby to tip back slightly and gently. Babies usually do not open mouth, therefore you should rub the lips of your baby against your nipple so that he or she opens mouth properly.

4- Most of the time, babies feel deprived breath due to improper position during breastfeeding. Therefore, you should bring your baby's chin and bottom lips towards your breast. The best way to learn this is to feel large portion of mouth of your baby against your breast.

5- To make your baby feel comfortable you may have to support your breast during breastfeeding. Baby would not feel comfortable if you are not. So, make sure that you feel relaxed and comfortable. It would be a very beautiful experience to hear the swallowing sound of your baby softly.

6- You need to learn to feed in a proper way. If you feel that something is going wrong, stop and start over the procedure again.

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About the Author:
Abhishek has got some great Pregnancy And Childbirth Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 77 Pages Ebook, "Understanding Pregnancy!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

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