Thursday, July 2, 2009

Morning Sickness - Useful Ways To Eat Well In spite Of It

Author: Abhishek Agarwal

Your sense of smell is heightened creating the stomach uneasiness that results to violent vomiting. Some of the food you used to love seems disgusting because of their smell. Perfumes are even worse, you just can't seem to stand their smell. All because you feel your stomach in a rebellious roar. Now, you're spending more time in the last place you want to be, the toilet. The first few weeks in the pregnancy is the worse for soon to be mother's like you. But this will not go on forever. So keep that smile alive.

Morning sickness may depend on the pregnant woman. Each child it unique, same goes being with child. Everyone is telling you to eat healthy, but how do you do that when half the time what you take in always finds a way to come out. There are even expecting mother who lose weight because of the severity of this situation. This simple discomfort tends to kill appetite more and more. Resulting to a depletion in health affecting the child within.

This ugliness can be battled out, don't lose hope. The solution is to have small meals. Nibble something time and again. This can help put weight in the stomach so that it won’t turn upside down. It will help control the morning sickness. In the morning when you get out of bed there's a sudden burst of squeamishness that sends you straight to the toilet. The principle behind it is what was mentioned earlier. Empty stomach is equivalent to high levels of acid ready to drench themselves in food. Since there is not food in take during sleep these restless acids are jumping around to look for something to dissolve. That's why it is imperative that you eat small snacks.

To help keep those acids tame, at night two to three hours before bedtime gobble down some carbs and protein. These are hard to breakdown. As a result, it will take all night for those acids to melt them. Make crackers your best friend from now on. They can help settle the stomach during the day.

Some examples of recommended food to eat are yogurt, raisins, nuts, cookies and anything that constitutes carbohydrates or high protein food. Toasted breads, pretzels, and other heavy carbohydrates are recommended.

Avoid too much citrus fruits. They can make your acid powerful. Bananas and melons are good to eat while on this stages of your pregnancy. The important thing to remember is to hydrate yourself. The fluids that you lost needs to be replaced. Drinking lots of fluids from water to juices can help ease the stress on your stomach. The safest of all fluids is without a doubt water. It will be good to drink plenty amounts to keep the body hydrated. If you fail to hydrate the body, potassium levels will decrease. This is very serious. If this happens remember to stay calm. All you need to do is eat banana. As simple as that and you'll feel better soon enough. But, if your condition has worsen, go to the doctor immediately, he os she will surely have an anitdote ready for you. Just make sure to tell the doctor your current condition so that they can give a safe cure to ease your discomfort.

It is vital to go through the stage of the pregnancy with a positive outlook. Though, it is hard to do that, the well being of the child is the main priority. If you're becoming sad about not having to eat well and is concerned about the nutrition of the baby, try not to worry too much. There will be ample time for you to be able to give your unborn the needed nutrients as soon as you get pass this stage.

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About the Author:
Abhishek has got some great Pregnancy And Childbirth Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 77 Pages Ebook, "Understanding Pregnancy!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

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