Thursday, July 2, 2009

Early Signs Of Pregnancy - How To Detect Them

Author: Abhishek Agarwal

Trying for pregnancy could be frustrating and exciting at almost the same time. This is an important and life changing time in every woman's life. Coming to know of pregnancy would make every difference to the woman who is essentially trying to conceive. This is the very reason of interest for knowing what the early signs of being pregnant actually are.

Every woman experiences pregnancy in varied ways. It means that early signs of pregnancy would vary from woman to woman. Symptoms of pregnancy could vary when it gets to duration and intensity. Quite a few of them might not experience any early signs of pregnancy in any way.

After the egg is implanted, there are many changes undergoing in the body. The hormone levels increase quite drastically. Extremely early signs of getting pregnant typically don't appear till about a week or two after missing the first period. Until about 16 weeks post-conception, the initial fetal movement is not generally detected.

Implantation bleeding which is 8 to 10 days subsequent to ovulation, a missed menstrual cycle, an elevated BBT temperature for 18 days are a few of the very premature signs of being pregnant.

Even before missing period, women could test for pregnancy with help of pregnancy detecting equipments. Positive results are determined as early as nearly 7 to 10 days after ovulation.

Week 1 to week 12 implies the first trimester. It could contain 9 very early ciphers of pregnancy. They include food cravings, lower abdominal cramps, morning sickness or nausea from 3 to 10 weeks after conception, swollen or tender breasts from 3 to 4 weeks after conception, larger and darker areolas, darker nipples, fatigue and tiredness from 3 to 10 weeks after conception, frequent urination, headaches, constipation, heartburn and differed mood swings.

There also exist a few unusual types of early signs of getting pregnant.

Few women experience cravings towards particular food or combinations of foods.

Most importantly, pregnant women would always miss their monthly cycle. Any woman who finds her periods later than usual must take home pregnancy tests and consult the doctor.

Every woman should pay dedicated attention towards their body and health when they enter a sexual relationship in course of time. Any woman who might become pregnant or one who is trying to become, need to take care about eating healthy, performing exercises, avoiding smoking and all intoxicating substances which includes alcohol and drugs.

Every sexually active woman must know about all early and vital signs hinting pregnancy.

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About the Author:
Abhishek has got some great Pregnancy And Childbirth Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 77 Pages Ebook, "Understanding Pregnancy!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

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