Thursday, July 2, 2009

Earliest Signs of Pregnancy

Author: jamiehanson

Pregnancy is a beautiful dream of every woman after she gets married and both the partners willingly agree to have a child. Every married female dreams to have her own child and takes pride in nurturing her unborn in her womb. A child is a symbol of love between her and her husband, where both share the responsibility to bring their child to this world. Pregnancy is a natural phenomenon and when a woman is pregnant there are certain natural indications that help her to detect the earliest signs of pregnancy. A woman experiences some internal changes in her body like a missed period or vomiting and nausea and a lot many differences and all which are caused due to hormonal imbalances, as a new guest is about to arrive in the family. Here are some early signs of pregnancy which a pregnant woman usually experiences. Some may experience all of these while others may experience a few: - Missed period: This is the most obvious sign of pregnancy. A woman who misses her period has to confirm it for an actual pregnancy by undergoing certain medical tests. Along with this she may feel some other changes too. - Spotting or mild bleeding: This sign shows that the fertilized egg has just embedded itself to the uterus wall after which a slight bleeding is seen. However after this you can get it medically confirmed if you are really pregnant. - Nausea and Morning sickness: Often pregnant ladies tend to vomit in the mornings and feel uneasy at times, this may happen for most of the pregnant ladies. A feeling of full or an empty stomach urges you to vomit out. This may also happen after a morning tea or coffee. The condition may worse and gives you a feeling of Nausea because of a stomach disorder. - Heartburn and Constipation: These are the usual signs and grow with the growth of your baby. The hormonal imbalance slows down your digestion process due to which the bile juice in your stomach rises and you may experience heartburn due to its acidic nature. As your metabolism rate also reduces you face difficulty in digestion thus leading to constipation. - Food cravings and highly developed sense of smell: You often have a strong feeling to eat something with a particular taste to the extent that you wouldn’t give up. This strong desire to eat that particular food is food craving and a pregnant woman cant do without it. Like craving for chocolates or ice-cream, even a pizza or a burger, it can be just anything. She may even response promptly to any kind of smell or aroma, either by vomiting or by going crazy for it. - A change in sense of taste: Some pregnant females often develop a metallic taste, or a sweet taste throughout their pregnancy due to this they may avoid tea, coffee and for that matter some my even switch over to different toothpaste! - More than usual urination: As the uterus grows in size, a pregnant lady often feels like going to a wash room to empty her bladder. The hormone HCG triggers frequent urination. - Irregular frame of mind: This sign is most prominent, you may feel depressed or may feel high, and its all due to your naughty baby in your womb who gives you such mood swings. These varied emotions are due to hormonal changes (just like you feel just before your periods) you may feel irritated sometimes and at other times you may be very happy for no reason at all. - Temperature rise in your body: Just when you are about to conceive or some time after conception your body temperature rises higher than normal. You feel sick at times. - Weary and lethargic: After a few days you find yourself to get tired and low very soon. You just feel like lying on your bed, your body becomes lazy and tired, you try to relax at regular intervals. Your baby wants you to rest, as later on he will be the one to trouble you the most! - Pregnancy test: A positive pregnancy test confirms your pregnancy. It is a clinical method where your urine sample is tested to confirm your pregnancy. Positive test confirms your PREGNANCY.

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About the Author:Discover your pregnancy and experience these typical signs of pregnancy at pregnancy 101 learn if your are really pregnant check more at earliest signs of pregnancy the earliest signs of pregnancy at

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