Sunday, July 5, 2009

Complete Fitness During Pregnancy

Author: gardnerwilkinson

Just because you are carrying a baby in your stomach, that is no reason to allow your health and fitness go to pieces. Remember that you have to live in your body long after the baby has left it, and if you gain excess weight or become too lethargic, there will be a price to pay. Besides, your baby’s health and your happiness depends on how fit you are during your pregnancy.

In the distant past, pregnant women were advised to take things slow. Today, with the likes of Angelina Jolie and Nicole Kidman, it is passé to be anything but beautiful, sexy and fit during your pregnancy. See, it’s fashionable to be a hot mama!

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advises that you get your doctor’s clearance before you undertake any kind of fitness regime. Be extremely vigilant and keep your doctor informed of all your exercise routines. In case of any signs of discharge, bleeding, pain, discomfort or extreme fatigue, report it to your doctor immediately. Do not take any supplements without the advice of your doctor.

If you have been ignoring your fitness before pregnancy, this is the time to adopt a healthy fitness regime. On the other hand, if you have been exercising well up to the time of conception, you can improve your health and maintain your level of cardiovascular fitness through exercises. Continue with exercises like walking, jogging or running. But reduce the intensity and duration as you move to the second and third trimester. Always make it a point to start off with gentle stretches. This gets your body ready for exercise. Warm up and cool down before and after exercising.

While pregnant women generally experience higher levels of flexibility due to the release of hormones, avoid the temptation to overstretch, because overstretching can lead to joint or muscle injury. Most pregnant women are told to avoid extreme crunches. Jumping and jerking motions should be avoided. Wear comfortable clothing and proper shoes while exercising. This protects you and avoids injuries. There will come a time when floor exercises become uncomfortable. At this time, you can consider alternative options like mild aerobics, slow cycling or swimming.

After the first trimester, most women experience a shifting of their center of gravity. This means that even movements that you were used to doing may throw you off balance. This is normal. Take extra care to monitor your body temperature during exercise. If your core temperature rises too much, it might affect your baby. Also keep your heart rate under 130 beats per minute at all times, no matter how tempted you are to stretch your limits.

Do not exercise first thing in the morning. Have a light snack so you may avoid spells of hypoglycemia-induced dizziness. Hydrate your body well and do not exercise beyond your level of tolerance.

Studies show that fitness during pregnancy leads to easy birth and helps you return to your pre-pregnancy shape and weight faster. It even speeds up recovery after birth. However, to reap these results, it is important to exercise regularly and adopt an exercise program that has been specially designed for pregnant women.

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Pregnancy Fitness - Pregnancy Planet is the only community on the web dedicated to pregnant and TTC parents. We provide week by week pregnancy information, symptoms & advice along with parenting tips & solutions, conception due date calculator, celebrity baby news, free TTC tickers & blinkies and much more.

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