Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Learn About Various Stages Of Pregnancy

Author: Abhishek Agarwal

The news about a positive pregnancy is received with mixed feelings, not only by the expectant mother but also by all the other adults in the household! This is but natural since the arrival of the “bundle of joy” is bound to affect the lives of all those connected with it, in some way or the other—be it the mother-to-be (especially if it is her first child), the father-to-be, grandparents, other relatives, close friends, etc. Everyone’s thoughts now center round the stages of pregnancy and what changes to expect in the next few months till the actual birth of the baby.

As far as the expectant mother is concerned, her next step involves a visit to her family physician who will counsel her regarding health and nutrition and so on. The doctor may even send her to a qualified expert to undergo certain tests and examinations. The expert is able to provide better guidance and education concerning the different stages of pregnancy.

For the other members of the household, it is a different situation altogether. If the women have undergone pregnancies themselves or at least come in contact with other pregnant women, they generally know what to expect in the succeeding months following the conception. The others are totally in the dark, however! A brief description about what takes place during the varied stages of pregnancy is therefore presented in the paragraphs below.

Since no glaring changes are visible in the earliest weeks of pregnancy, the mother-to-be may not even know she has conceived! It is only when she experiences feelings of nausea or what is generally termed as “morning sickness” that she is prompted to go to a doctor, who then confirms that she is pregnant. How the news is received is dependent on the expectant mother herself! Anyway, mood swings can be expected during the initial weeks as her body is trying to cope with all the changes taking place within.

Hormonal changes are constant during the first trimester, that is, the commencement of the different stages of pregnancy. The pregnant woman’s body is trying to keep up with the growing fetus within her womb. Without her actually being aware of it, she is subject to vacillating moods and emotions. They stabilize at the end of two months or even more. As a matter of fact, she is already planning ahead and preparing herself to welcome the new arrival into the house! So housecleaning may probably be taken up vigorously and things which have been stored for years are ruthlessly discarded. This is also the time when the mother-to-be starts to gain weight.

During the middle stages of pregnancy, the pregnant woman is more inclined to discuss the pregnancy and what she is experiencing from within. She may even try to complete all the tasks which she might have taken up before becoming aware of her pregnant state.

The last stages of pregnancy usher in a lot of discomfort for the expectant mother and she is eagerly waiting to deliver her child! The discomfort may have been present from much earlier, but she takes notice of it only in the final two months. She tends to feel fatigued all the time. The growing fetus puts pressure on her bladder, causing her to make frequent trips to the bathroom. The baby is actually shifting its position and trying to create more room for itself; so the mother-to-be feels heavier in her front and experiences back pain. To get rid of these feelings of discomfort, she may again indulge in housecleaning!

With the last stages of pregnancy coming to an end and signaling the imminent arrival of the newborn, the expectant mother is too preoccupied to give much thought to other members of the household or even outsiders. This is very normal as she is going to take up a new responsibility and has to plan for her life ahead.

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About the Author:
Abhishek has got some great Pregnancy And Childbirth Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 77 Pages Ebook, "Understanding Pregnancy!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies

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