Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How To Get Pregnant Quickly

Author: tillman sebastion kribbs

This article is written to help couples who want to get pregnant quickly, once you have made that decision to have a baby it is just like most things in life people tend to \"want it now\", alas having a baby is not like going to the local store to buy the ingredients for lunch, and the decision is not totally in your hands.

In fact the chances of getting pregnant quickly are quite remote, for a healthy couple below the age of 25 years the odds are only 25% in any given month, that is accounting for the fact that you are having regular sex at the right time, these odds go way down as you get older, in any way stressed, a little less than really fit, or in anyway under nourished (which in this day and age applies to many of us).

These conditions also apply to your partner, lets not forget that he has got to supply half the ingredients by way of sperm these sperm face an uphill task (literally) and it is important there is a ready supply waiting for the egg to emerge, healthy sperm can live for between 5 to 7 days inside the vagina waiting for the day, however unhealthy sperm may not even get to the tubes, so it is really important to have a ready supply of good healthy sperm.

Three Things you simply Must to to increase you odds of getting pregnant quickly.

Have regular sex at the right time during your cycle, do not try to guess when this is buy a good thermometer and use it over the course of a few months or buy a simple fertility predictor, chart the fluctuations, and then look for a small 0.5 increase in body temperature,this SHOULD indicate the period of maximum fertility.

Beware it may only last a couple of days, once you have charted this for a couple of months you should be able to predict when your period of ovulation is due, then start having sex regularly for about a week prior to, this should ensure a ready supply of sperm eagerly awaiting the big day!

DO NOT and I shall repeat do not use artificial lubricants during sex they kill sperm \"DEAD\"
they can sit in the vagina for weeks and will completely destroy any slim chance of conception,
even medication of any sort in your system will greatly reduce your chances, beware of personal hygiene products (most are killers), also perfumed tampons and towels, use a Ph neutral and non perfumed cleaner only.

Orgasm, Orgasm and Orgasm again sounds good eh, well it is also good at helping you to get pregnant fast, How? when you reach an orgasm the cervical muscles contract tightly causing the sperm to literally be sucked deeper into the vagina, don\'t orgasm! d\'ont worry you can simulate the effect of an orgasm in the vagina by tightening the lower pelvic muscles and drawing them in,best explained as the conscious and sometimes desperate effort of stopping yourself urinating when you have drunk far too much fluid and are still 10 minutes away from the nearest toilet.

So after sex simply relax lay back and practice as they say practice makes perfect, don\'t worry you will soon get the hang of it.

To Conclude:

I know how frustrating it can be if you have been trying to get pregnant for a while, but don\'t worry as stress is in itself not good, in fact it can be a major cause of infertility. in 99% of cases couples can get pregnant naturally and quicky just by following some simple guidelines for more information on how to get pregnant quickly visit me at

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About the Author:
Vanessa Kribbs, Nurse, Just Trying to Help, these who are trying to get pregnant quickly.

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