Thursday, July 2, 2009

Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

Author: Abhishek Agarwal

If you are an expecting mother you know it too well that eating right will determine the health of the baby. Your unborn depends on you. He/she is a parasite feeding on what you will give it. That’s why it is the greatest gift any mother can give her unborn, eating nutritiously. Although this is true, there are so much benefits you as a mother can reap from eating well. For one thing, it will ensure your strength when your deliver date draws near.

Your pregnant body it constantly changing, and how well it to copes with these changes is mostly vital to your survival. With ample resistance to illnesses may it be infectious or viral in nature your armor from it all is your immune system. The inner glow that most women have while with child is not achieved by simply becoming pregnant. Yes the hormones alter in your brains during this process and they can contribute to the changes in those cheeks that are now rosy than usual. But true be told, it is the decision to go with the more healthy diet does the trick. You see, it becomes a natural reaction, almost instinctive, to watch what you put in your mouth knowing there’s another being growing inside you. This could account for the softer and healthier inner glow. Change in lifestyle is the key. Lots of rest with no alcohol and controlled stress levels can spin the hands of time and make you look younger, fresh.

Changes that are gone through by women while doing their nine months pregnancy are nothing short of tough, in all sorts of ways. The first trimester vomiting is endless. You can eliminate this discomfort by placing a pack of crackers in your pocket. That way it will settle the stomach’s acids from leaking into the esophagus making you queasy. Then the second trimester you’ll have better luck getting rest from frequent visitations to the toilet. But, this time around you’ll yearn for a visit because constipation sets in. eating fibrous foods will help you in this area. Pineapples are good fruits that aid in flashing out toxins in the body. They promote bowel movement as well.

Then comes the third trimester, just when you think your worries are over. Here comes the swollen body. You’ll feel bloated as ever, so then you might think of skipping a meal or two. Big mistake, if you do this heartburn will soon follow. To avoid this eat small portions. You must have in between meals to fight it. There is no other way, unless you are comfortable with taking antacid pills. Then the surest way is to nibble ones in a while throughout the day.

Making it a habit and a conscious choice to eat healthy during pregnancy can help you survive this trying time. Pick foods that are high in calcium, calories, complex cabs, high protein, vitamins and minerals. Doctors and scholars alike will tell you that too much of just one food group can lead to nutritional deficiency. It can ultimately cause preclampsia or rise in the blood pressure. Polyunsaturated fats and high intakes of glucose or sugars has the same effect. Dealing with this, you should increase the supplement in the body of vitamins E, C and magnesium.

Remembering the benefits will weigh out any doubts of eating well. Don’t stop the habit after deliver the baby. Your body needs all the help it can get, after all the delivery so much healing will have to take over. This will be the best time to stock up on good nutrients that can bring fast recovery to your body, making it whole again.

Now that your motherhood has kicked in looking forward to a good night rest will have to wait. That’s why to fulfill your needs to endure healthy food intake is the only way to go. With consistency you can set a standard for your children to follow.

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About the Author:
Abhishek has got some great Pregnancy And Childbirth Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 77 Pages Ebook, "Understanding Pregnancy!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

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