Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pregnancy Heartburn - How Right Eating Can Prevent It

Author: Abhishek Agarwal

Lovers of spicy food and overly stressed people tend to be attached by heartburn more frequently then others. But there is another group that joins these folks with high tendencies, the expecting moms. Suddenly, antacid becomes the most beautiful thing that was created by medicine.

Contrary to the name, heartburn pain is not because of the heart. This is caused by acids in the stomach making its way to the esophagus. This condition is usual to all pregnancies. The third trimester tends to suffer the most heartburns. The baby's growing size may be the reason behind it. Everything inside the mother's body is changing, even the positions of her organs are shifting from on side to the other. Especially the uterus, it is now pushing the stomach placing a lot of pressure on it. Traffic jammed digestive tracks results to acids in the stomach to overflow to the esophagus. There's an old saying that goes the nastier the heartburn of the mother the more hair growth of the child. Belief are not always true but they do crack good jokes.

For those moms that are going through a vicious case of heart bur there is a solution for you. Eat slowly. The stomach will be less in a hurry to digest the food. Also, grinding the food more intensely will result to less production of digestive acids in the tummy. Making it more friendly to you.

Small portions of food intake will also leave you feeling better. Six small meals or snacking between major meals are the best way to have it. Over easting will fill up the stomach that's already out of room because of the baby's increasing size. On the one hand, never skip a meal. Before bedtime at night eat a snack or two to keep the stomach from rumbling during sleep. If you don't, then a heartburn surprise is the first thing you'll have in the morning. Don't eat too close to the hour of sleeping. Let digestion work properly before going into slumber. Two to three hours is the recommended time to chow down your mid-night snack. This will give it ample time to dissolve the food in time for bed.

Having plenty of liquids is a good thing. But, when with child keep the fluids that you take in from messing with solid foods. Bloating intensifies heartburn. Sitting up and never lying down while eating tends to result to nonviolence in your tummy.

Being heavier than your usual self it contributes a lot with the intensity of experiencing heartburn. The spices and other acidic foods are best be kept where a pregnant lady is. Categorizing your food intake can minimize, even eliminate the frequency of heartburn. Chocolates are tempting but will have an awful effect on you. Oily or greasy pizza or fried foods are also a no no. If the craving is there, then try clearing the oily part. That way it will not be as bad as it already is.

Tums and Rolaids are some names that are pregnant friendly antacids. Being too careful doesn't hurt either, so if you're not agreeable to the idea of swallowing a pill to relieve your pain then try herbal method. Mostly almonds come highly recommended. They can help ease the pain. Almonds aid to settle the stomach. Honey can also make for good remedy. All it takes is a tablespoon in your milk and you're ready to take on the world.

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About the Author:
Abhishek has got some great Pregnancy And Childbirth Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 77 Pages Ebook, "Understanding Pregnancy!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

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