Thursday, July 2, 2009

Initiating Labor Naturally

Author: Anna Barrington

If a baby is overdue, doctors may attempt to initiate pregnancy by Prostaglandin E gel on the cervix to ripen the cervix, then attaching the mother to a Pitocin I.V. drip. This can be a painful and traumatic to the mother and can cause the increased need for labour drugs (such as epidural), raise the need to use a caesarian delivery and can cause technology related heath problems including death. Many more pregnant mothers today are preferring to have a more natural birth, avoiding the use of chemical painkillers and using more natural methods such as water birthing.

There are many things that can naturally induce pregnancy such as...

Sexual intercourse - It may feel like it would be the last thing you’d want to do, but sex can help encourage your pregnancy. Male sperm contains prostaglandin (the chemical we mentioned earlier), this ripens the cervix stimulating the uterus to contract. You don’t need to have full penetrative sex, masturbation (for the woman) can also help induce pregnancy as the female orgasm releases oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates contractions.

Visualising an opening rosebud - This can help in between each contraction as it allows your mind to relate to the opening of the cervix.

Hypnotherapy - It is deeply relaxing and effective, and allows your mind and your body to work in harmony, the way nature intended. Hypnotherapy allows you to be able to control and completely relaxed at the same time.

Kinesiology - This involves a method of analysis that uses muscle tension to evaluate nerve function.

Walking - Easy exercise like this can be ideal for pregnant women to be able to keep active. Walking uses the forces of gravity to encourage to baby and swing hips side to side may help to bring the baby to the right position for birth. But, ensure you don’t over exercise as this can cause body chemicals which are bad for the foetus.

Hot and spicy foods - Foods such as curries and chillies can stimulate and can irritate the digestive system. This causes dehydration, which has been known to causes contractions within pregnant women. Spicy foods also may encourage prostaglandin production, which ripens the cervix.

Raspberry leaf tea - This can strengthen the uterus and is a uterine tonic. Doctors recommend this in not drunk until week 34 (or later) of pregnancy.

Evening Primrose Oil - When used vaginally, this can help soften the cervix. The capsules can be inserted into the vagina and this can be done at bedtime. The usual dosage is two capsules per day, increasing to three or four after the 38th week.

Naturally initiating a pregnancy can avoid the need for harmful drugs, and can ensure the pregnancy goes smoothly. Although, Not all of these methods will work for everyone, and if the baby is not prepared to be born then even a labour induction will be ineffective. Unless there is a medical reason, you will both benefit from waiting until you are both ready.

The HypnoBirthing Centre

T: 0845 337 9149

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About the Author:
Anna Barrington writes for The Hypnobirthing Centre. For more information about this please visit The Hypnobirthing Centre. Visit our Blog.

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