Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pregnancy for the First Time

Author: Esther

It was May 2008 when I stopped taking my pill and replaced it with folic acid. My boyfriend Matt and I had the chats about how long we’d wanted children for, why we wanted to have them with each other and what sort of parents we hoped to be.

Neither of us had been pregnant or even had a scare before, so we worried that we wouldn’t be able to have children, whilst at the same time; secretly wondering if (and hoping that) we’d fall in the first month!

The middle of June approached… would I be pregnant? - I wondered. My boobs felt sore, and I had a sneaky little feeling that I just might be. Mums often say that you just know when you’re pregnant, and I reckoned I was getting this feeling of just knowing. Matt and I quietly got excited, discussing baby stuff whilst remarking that we ‘shouldn’t get our hopes up’, with big smirks on our faces.

The day came when my period was due… I went to the bathroom in the morning…. nothing! I went on my break at work, and at lunchtime… again nothing! ‘I definitely am!’ I thought. I hadn’t had the usual menstrual pains, and I had a funny new ache in my back. I couldn’t believe I was going to be one of those lucky women who decide to have a baby and it just happens immediately! Matt had been texting and calling throughout the day to see if anything had happened, and we were both getting excited.

I got home that night, and we started thinking about taking a pregnancy test. I went to the bathroom before dinner, and there it was- the dreaded period. ‘Oh no!’ I thought, but quite quickly recovered with ‘Oh well, maybe next month’, told Matt that we weren’t going to be parents yet, and opened a bottle of wine.

The next couple of months went on like this, me ‘knowing’ I was pregnant only to find out I wasn’t. We spent quite a lot on pregnancy tests over those months! I would calculate my due date, then calculate it again (twice more) just to make certain. Then, the moment I was a second late, I’d rip open the test, aim for the stick (why do they make them so small?!), and wait with baited breath. Nothing!

Then September came. It felt like ages since we’d decided to try for a baby, and I’d started to worry a bit and wonder why it hadn’t happened yet. (I’ve always been impatient.) My period was due on Tuesday. Nothing came. I didn’t get too excited as I had been through this before, and in any case Matt was away until Thursday and I’d promised I wouldn’t do a test without him. I found out a close family member was pregnant. I was so pleased for her, but after I’d spoken to her I rang Matt and had a few ‘Why isn’t it us?’ tears! He philosophised that because we both wanted it so much it was going to take a long time. (I think this is something to do with sod’s law!) I accepted that, and hung up the phone. Wednesday came. Nothing. Although I’d been a whole day late before, so I still couldn’t get excited. THURSDAY came. NOTHING!!!

When he returned from his trip I was really excited to see him, and about an hour after he’d walked through the door I announced that we were doing a pregnancy test. He was exhausted and asked if we could wait ‘till the morning- I informed him that we could not!! He was worried that I’d be upset if I wasn’t pregnant and thought we should deal with it in the morning after he’d had some sleep- as I was so excitable being two days late!

Of course I didn’t listen to him. I ran to the loo, aimed for the stick (I was getting quite good at this trick by now!)- and ran back to him without looking at the stick. We waited a couple of minutes (this was in real time- in the world of waiting for pregnancy result time it obviously took years) then turned the stick over together. THERE IT WAS- the blue line we’d been hoping for- I’d never been so happy to see a blue line!!! I collapsed in floods of tears- whilst by boyfriend collapsed in fits of laughter- we continued in this activity for many, many minutes, only stopping to re-examine the blue line and check it hadn’t vanished- after which we resumed our crying/laughing activities like a pair of lunatics. Of course it wasn’t long before my boyfriend muttered something about being a ‘real man’ (he may have even used the words ‘I’m not a Jaffa’- oh dear!!!).

The first few days of knowing we were pregnant were so special- we couldn’t stop smiling, and couldn’t keep our eyes off each other either. We told his parents and our very best friends, and that was all. We spent the weekend at a wedding- me walking around all day with a glass of champagne in my hand that I didn’t take a single sip of- smiling with joy about our little secret. We kept smiling for the next five days, until something paused our happiness- something that was to be the first real concern in our pregnancy journey…..

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