Thursday, July 2, 2009

Getting Pregnant Tips

Author: Jane Ng

So everyone has taken health class and knows the basics on how to conceive a baby. As it turns out, it’s not always as simple as inserting tab A into slot B. Fertility issues plague many couples who are hoping for a baby, and more and more are turning to infertility treatments to help them conceive. But before you put down thousands of dollars on fertility drugs and painful procedures, use this getting pregnant tips to see if you can skip the fertility doctor and head right for the first trimester:

Get Off The Pill

Most women know to prevent pregnancy, you take birth control. So by logic, to get pregnant, you need to stop taking birth control. Unfortunately, it’s not so simple as off on Friday, pregnant by Monday. Even though mom said skipping the pill once could mean fatal disaster, the truth is, the hormones from your birth control can linger around longer than you’d ever expect. The longer you’ve been taking prescription birth control, the longer it can take to exit your system. If you’ve been taking birth control for a few years or more, then you should give yourself up to a 12 months of trying before you’ll hit success.

Track Your Cycle

Some women watch their cycle like clockwork; the rest of us ignore it and hope it doesn’t rear it’s ugly head on date night. Believe it or not, familiarizing yourself with your cycle is by far the easiest way to get pregnant. There are two days out of every month when every woman is most likely to get pregnant - these are the days you want to focus on trying. There are other days in your cycle where you could get pregnant, but your chances are decreased. Tracking and trying on the days where you have the best chances will prevent you from wasting your time and energy on days where your chances are low - purely for fertility purposes, of course.

Increase Your Vitamin Levels

Most of us don’t keep the most healthy diet, and we’re probably lacking in the important vitamins and nutrients we should be getting on a daily basis. Start increasing your intake of vitamins to not only keep your body in good health, but increase your chances of conceiving. Some women also take a prenatal vitamin while trying to conceive. Whether it increases your chances or not is still debatable, but when you do get pregnant, it’s certainly creates a much healthier environment for the baby right from the start. If you think your infertility problems are stopping you from conceiving, give these getting pregnant tips a try. They’re simple and easy, but can mean all the difference between the fertility specialist and the pediatrician.

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About the Author:
Copyright Jane Ng and Getting Pregnant Tips.

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