Monday, July 6, 2009

The End of the Pregnancy - Labour

Author: Ling Tong

Towards the end of the third trimester women begin to worry about the labour and when it will happen, some women worry about this throughout their entire pregnancy. Labour is different for all women but there are some general commonalities between all pregnancies that give doctors the knowledge to know what to look for. The one thing that confuses most women is the false labour, which will be discussed briefly below.

All women want to know what the signs of labour are, what do they need to look for and how will it feel when they are ready to deliver the baby. Once again this is different for all women, in that it happens at different rates but all women will experience the same thing when going into labour. In the days before your labour really begins you will notice some changes in your body. It is during this time that women notice that the baby feels lower and some report that they are able to breathe again because the baby is no longer sitting up under their ribs. This stage of the labour is called lightening and engagement and is when the baby begins to descend into the pelvis. The baby is getting into position. It is during these days that women will experience an increase in back pain and even groin pain. There is a thickening of vaginal discharge and there may even be diarrheal.

During the days leading up to the real labour most women report that they started feeling the false labour pains. This is also referred to as Braxton Hicks contractions. The difference between these contractions and the real contractions is that these are not regular and they differ in severity. The contractions are lower in the abdomen rather than in the lower groin. Also, false labour contractions can be eased within the increase of water intake, real contractions cannot.

Real labour pains are characterized by forceful contractions; these contractions get progressively stronger and increase in intensity. It is during the actual labour that women begin to release what is called the loody show? which is really blood streaked mucus from the vagina. It is during this time that you should consult your doctor. Even if you believe that you are not in labour you should consult a doctor to make sure that you are not having the baby. During labour women will find that the back pain and the increase in pressure in your groin will cause you to want to push and this is not a good idea unless you are being observed by a medical professional.

During the labour a number of things can happen. The labour may be quick and short with a few simple pushes or it may drag on for hours. In most cases where the labour drags on for a considerable amount of time the women will opt to take drugs to reduce the amount of pain and discomfort. The doctors and nurses will monitor your contractions, heart rate and the baby’s heart rate to ensure that everything is fine. There is a chance that the baby cannot be delivered naturally and a caesarean section must be done. If this case the doctor will talk to you about everything and explain what will happen. No matter how the baby is delivered it is important that the baby be delivered in the safest manner to ensure it is healthy.

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About the Author: For more information on pregnancy labour,early labor pains and the different stages of pregnancy visit

Vaginal Deliveries

Author: Jennifer Wider, Md

Recovery time from a vaginal delivery is usually shorter than the recovery time from a Cesarean section. But sometimes it can take a while, especially if you've experienced any lacerations or tears.

The perineum, or the region between the vagina and rectum, is vulnerable to tearing during delivery. Some studies show that women are more likely to tear during their first vaginal delivery, probably because this is the first time the area has been stretched to that degree. But whether it's your first or your tenth, delivery technique can make a huge difference. One study revealed that if normal, spontaneous vaginal deliveries are unrushed and occur in a controlled setting with a nurse, doctor, or midwife guiding the pushing process, there is a lower risk of obstetrical trauma. Many health experts recommend perineal massage in the weeks prior to delivery as a way to lower the chances of tearing. Unfortunately, some women experience tears despite their own best efforts and the efforts of their health care professional.

Tears and Lacerations

Tears and lacerations vary in severity and are classified accordingly:

• First-degree tears are surface tears that involve the skin of the perineum and the vaginal connective tissue, usually near the vaginal opening. No muscles are involved. Healing time for first-degree tears is rapid, and women usually experience little discomfort. Stitches may or may not be required.

• Second-degree tears are deeper tears that involve the skin, connective tissue, and underlying muscles. Second-degree tears almost always require stitches, and healing time can vary. Most often, the stitches will dissolve on their own. Some women report feeling fine in a matter of weeks, others complain of experiencing pain for longer periods of time.

• Third-degree tears are more severe and involve the skin, connective tissue, and the external anal sphincter muscle, the muscle that you can squeeze to stop yourself from going to the bathroom.

• Fourth-degree tears are the most severe and can involve a tear through both the internal and external anal sphincter muscles and lining of the bowel. These tears often result in the loss of anal sphincter control, as well as fecal urgency and/or incontinence.

While third- and fourth-degree perineal tears are not common, they can happen to anyone. There are a few risk factors which may increase the chances:

• Larger babies

• Occiput posterior deliveries (baby is sunny-side up, or delivered faceup, instead of facedown)

• Nulliparity (delivery of first babies)

• Extended second stage of labor, or if the pushing stage lasts longer than an hour

• Midline episiotomies -- unfortunately, some women end up tearing further than the controlled incision

• Forceps delivery

Third- and fourth-degree lacerations can be extremely painful and may interfere with all sorts of activities, including intercourse, for quite some time after delivery. Many women find going to the bathroom, especially having a bowel movement, a huge challenge. One woman with a third-degree tear told me that having bowel movements after her delivery was worse than the actual delivery itself.

The pain can persist for months after the baby arrives. A thorough follow-up is very important, so make sure that you see your health care professional several times after the delivery. Your doctor should examine the area and make sure the anorectal area is functioning properly. For many women, the pain and discomfort will subside within a few months and normal activities, including sex, can be resumed.

Some moms experience uncontrollable gas and/or fecal incontinence down the line. These problems should be brought to the attention of your physician immediately. In some cases, additional treatment may be necessary.


An episiotomy is a controlled surgical incision made in the perineal area (between the vagina and rectum), prior to the delivery. In the past, the episiotomy was used routinely in order to lower the risk of vaginal tears during deliveries. But because newer studies have shown that these routine episiotomies have no real benefit for the mother, and may actually worsen the outcome and prolong healing time, episiotomies are becoming less common. In fact, several studies reveal that more severe lacerations were associated with the occurrence of an episiotomy.

Despite the new research about episiotomies, some women still get them. And it's certainly true that in some cases, an episiotomy may be necessary, especially if the baby presents in an unusual position or is overly large; it may also be necessary if the doctor needs to speed up the delivery for health or medical reasons pertaining to the mom and/or the baby.

Recovery from an episiotomy is a lot like the recovery from a tear; it all depends on the extent of the cut or laceration. For most women, the pain and tenderness will subside significantly in one to two months. If a woman experiences a serious tear in addition to the surgical incision, recovery time may be prolonged.


The recovery from a Cesarean section, or the delivery of a baby through an abdominal incision, varies from woman to woman. In general, recovery time tends to be longer than the time it takes to recover from a normal, vaginal delivery, unless, of course, a severe tear or laceration is involved.

Right off the bat, the incision site will most likely be sore, although some women report that their incision feels numb and tingly. The pain will gradually subside and the numbness should lessen as well (although I've spoken to a few women who never fully regained total sensation in that area). Many women also complain of itchiness around the scar during the healing process. If the itchiness becomes intolerable, speak with your health care provider for options. Some doctors will recommend soothing creams, but others do not, so it's important to get his/her opinion.

Some women who have had a C-section complain of cramps caused by the buildup of gas in the abdomen after surgery. Walking around or light exercise can help. This will usually go away within the first few days post-surgery, but it can linger, especially if you are not moving at all. Speak with your health care professional if it becomes a problem.

Don't be shocked by the way the incision looks! For many women, seeing a dark red scar on the abdomen can be upsetting. But remember, it fades with time (and will likely look a whole lot better in six to eight weeks) and most doctors make the incision low enough that your pubic hair will eventually cover it.

Certain activities may be difficult right after a C-section; even coughing, sneezing, and laughing can be uncomfortable. Lifting anything heavy is out of the question, and it will be a while before you can have sex again. You also may need to wait to drive a car, especially if you experience pain buckling your seat belt or getting in and out of the car. Getting up and moving are important parts of the healing process, but you shouldn't expect to run a marathon.

Here's a good piece of advice: Don't overdo it! Oftentimes, women don't seem to realize that they have just had major abdominal surgery and they feel frustrated that they are unable to move around freely or lift heavy things. One woman I spoke to complained that the stairs in her house posed a major challenge. Another woman was upset that she was in too much pain to be able to cook for her older child. It normally takes an average of six to eight weeks to recover completely from a Cesarean, and for some women it can take several months.

Here are a few more tips to help speed your recovery from a C-section:

• Accept help. As simple as it sounds, it can make a world of difference. Many women are used to doing everything themselves. But this is not the time to be superwoman. Husbands, siblings, parents, friends, and even in-laws make great helpers. If they offer, take them up on it!

• Take it nice and slowly. Many women feel okay by that six-to-eight-week mark, but if you're not among them, don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Overexerting yourself can actually prolong the healing process.

• Don't neglect your bowels. If you're taking pain medications, be aware that certain types can cause constipation, which in itself can become a serious problem. Make sure that your bowel movements are regular, and if this starts to become an issue, speak with your health care provider. Stool softeners and laxatives might be necessary.

• Accept the mess. With tons of foot traffic through your home and visits from your extended family, your house may get messy. But you're recovering, so leave it. This is a great opportunity to ask your mother-in-law to help clean up. Even if the mess causes you stress, it's better to leave it for someone else to handle than for you to overexert yourself. Believe me, there will be many messes in the future you can dirty your hands with!

The above excerpt is a digitally scanned reproduction of text from print. Although this excerpt has been proofread, occasional errors may appear due to the scanning process. Please refer to the finished book for accuracy.

The above is an excerpt from the book The New Mom's Survival Guide
by Jennifer Wider, M.D.
Published by Bantam Books; June 2008;$15.00US/$17.00CAN; 978-0-553-80503-1
Copyright © 2008 Jennifer Wider, M.D.

Author Bio
Jennifer Wider, MD, is a doctor, author, and radio personality who specializes in women's health issues. She is the medical advisor to the Society for Women's Health Research in Washington, D.C. Dr. Wider is a regular contributor to Cosmopolitan magazine and hosts a weekly segment on Cosmo Radio for Sirius Satellite. She has appeared as a health expert on The Today Show, CBS News, Good Day NY, Fox News, and a variety of cable channels. She lives with her physician husband, and their daughter and son, in Fairfield County, Connecticut.

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About the Author: Visit the author at

Yoga for Pregnancy

Author: Jill Borash

Yoga is a low impact exercise. This is important during pregnancy in order to keep both you and your baby safe. High impact forms of exercise are generally not safe for you or your baby while you are pregnant. Yoga for pregnancy can still give you a great workout without putting you or your baby in harm's way.

Yoga teaches proper breathing techniques. This is good for both your mind and your body. The unique form of breathing that is done during yoga (in some practices called ujjayi breathing) can help calm the mind and the body. In any yoga for pregnancy video you get, there will be a focus on your breath. It can focus on how to calm your breath, how to breathe into different parts of your body and how to breathe away tension and stress. This kind of focused breathing is also great for helping you prepare for childbirth.

Yoga stretches your body. This aspect of yoga for pregnancy is great for helping you get rid of any tension and stress in your body. As your body grows and changes during pregnancy, you will have aches and pains in places that you never have before. The stretching that yoga provides can help you work out these kinks and relieve the tension in those areas that get particularly stressed. Your back, legs and feet are definitely areas that will need some extra stretching during pregnancy.

Yoga incorporates relaxation techniques. At the end of most yoga classes and videos, you will find a relaxation section. When you are doing yoga for pregnancy, this is can be an especially wonderful time to connect to your baby and to let your body fully relax. Focused relaxation is always important but even more important during pregnancy when your body is undergoing so many changes. It also gives you a chance to shut off your mind and just be. When you do this fully, there are no worries or concerns, you are simply in the moment with your baby, which is a magical and wonderful experience.

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About the Author:
Yoga for pregnancy is a wonderful way to get low impact exercise, learn proper breathing techniques, stretch your ever-growing body and learn to relax with your baby. The techniques you learn by doing yoga while you are pregnant can even help you during childbirth and as a new mother. Get more information about prenatal yoga and doing yoga while you are pregnant at

List of Tests During Pregnancy


Blood pressure: Blood pressure will be measured at each visit and is slightly lower during pregnancy that is about 120/70. An elevation of over 140/90 may warn of pre-eclampsia or toxaemia, which is a serious complication. You may have to be treated or just rest in bed.
Blood Sugar:Blood sugar screening is a must in the beginning, at 20 weeks and 30 weeks, specially if there is a history of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

Urine analysis Your urine will be checked at each visit for glucose (indicating diabetes), protein (which might signal toxaemia that needs treatment), white blood corpuscles (could be kidney or urinary problem), red blood corpuscles (a kidney problem), ketones (lack of nutrition) Your doctor may suggest additional tests.

Ultrasound scans are a quick, painless and harmless ways of visualising the foetus. You have to drink several glasses of water after which a radiologist passes a probe over your abdomen. The probe receives high frequency sound waves that bounce off the foetus and are translated into images on a screen. The doctor can see the position, growth and movement of the foetus, whether there are more than one foetus, whether the placenta is growing well and the blood flow is adequate. You usually need two or three sonographies - one within the first 8 weeks, one around 18 to 24 weeks, and the last, if necessary, at the end.

An ultrasound scan should not be used to determine the sex of the child.

The Alpha Feto Protein test: It shows major malformation in the baby, especially in the spinal cord, more clearly.

The Doppler Non Stress Test is used after 30 weeks only in special cases to check the adequacy of the placenta and to see if the baby is adequately nourished. The baby's heartbeat is measured. If it shows an increase following foetal movements or uterine contractions, then it is normal; a distressed baby shows a fall.

The Colour Doppler studies the blood flow in the foetus using colour codes for the arteries and veins. This is necessary only in complicated pregnancies, if the mother is diabetic, hypertensive or the Doppler Non Stress Test shows a problem.

Thalassemia trait test is recommended for Sindhis and Kutchis who are high-risk communities. If both would-be parents carry the trait in a minor form, there is a 75% chance that they may bear a thalassemic major baby, and need foetal testing and counselling.

Vaginal culture: Fluids obtained from the vagina may be tested for gonorrhea, herpes or other infections that might threaten the baby at birth.

G6PD (Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenas) test is administered to Parsis who are usually prone to the condition. It is necessary to know if you carry this trait because you can have severe side effects to certain medications.

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Invitro Fertilization (ivf) Treatment in India

Author: julia

If you need any medical treatments like invitro fertilization (ivf) in India, the cost is far cheaper than in the US or Europe. So, you can have treatments done in India, get world class treatments, get a free holiday and have cash left over! It offers what you call a language advantage - a patient would surely prefer a country where English is widely spoken. Also, it is believed that the facilities are more suited for International patients. Many highly qualified doctors have had some form of training from abroad, especially USA and UK. Indian surgeons and doctors are known for their skill and research throughout the world. Most couples from countries like USA and UK travel to developing countries such as India for invitro fertilization (ivf) treatment because it offers some of the cheapest pricing options, offers a good holiday, there are no waiting lists or queues to stand in, the doctors are comparable to anyone in the world and finally, language does not pose a problem as most people speak English.

What is in vitro fertilization?

In order for pregnancy to occur, an egg has to be released from the ovary and unite with a sperm. Normally this union, called fertilization, occurs within the fallopian tube. When this process cannot take place in the body, it can be accomplished in the laboratory by using the in vitro fertilization (IVF) technique. The technique, as currently practiced, involves uniting an egg(s) collected from a woman's ovary with sperm collected from her partner under laboratory conditions. The resulting normal embryo(s) may be transferred to the uterus (womb) for continued growth. The benefit of IVF and ET is that it gives a couple who may be unable to achieve a pregnancy an opportunity to attempt to overcome their infertility.

Success rate of in vitro fertilization

Techniques for assessing the viability of an embryo when genetic issues are present are cell biopsy and evaluation and pronuclear biopsy and evaluation. The pregnancy rate by age is similar to that of normally conceived pregnancies: 37% among women younger than 35 years and 28% for those aged 36-39 years. The success rate is about 13% in those older than 40 years. Pregnancy in women older than 44 years is rare. The rate of miscarriages with IVF pregnancies is the same as that with normally conceived pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancy occurs in about 3-5% of cases. An ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition that requires emergency medical care. The embryo is growing outside the uterus and does not survive.

For infertility procedures, India has a talent pool of qualified infertility surgeons, a lot of whom have been trained in the US and UK. With the recent development of the healthcare infrastructure, the best of facilities and equipment are also available with these surgeons. This coupled with the extremely low cost of the treatments makes India the ideal destination for your infertility treatment needs. These treatments are done in complete privacy. Some more procedures include intrauterine insemination (IUI), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), frozen embryo transfer program (FET) etc. A new dimension of the medical field taking off in India is invitro fertilization (ivf) treatment which utilizes some of the latest techniques in corrective procedures.

To know more about invitro fertilization (Ivf) treatment in India:

Submit your case details at:

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Recovery Process of a Cesarean Section

Author: nlwest21

Many women have planned out their pregnancies and what they will do when it is time to push that 10 pound baby out of them. They anticipate that they will do it naturally like their foremothers and that the baby will come out quicker then any the doctors have seen. But sometimes our plans do not turn out the way we thought. Many of us after 5 hours of enduring agonizing pain will beg for the pain killers and after another 5 hours we will be walking up and down the halls hoping that will work the baby out of us.

Yet, despite these new changes none of us expect there to ever be a problem. But sometimes there are and certain doctors (depending on the problem) will have to pull the baby out through a cesarean section (also known as a C-section). The procedure is easy and requires no pushing from the woman - who will not feel anything during the surgery. It does take longer for women to recover from a C-section then it does from regular pushing of the baby.

Many doctors will keep the mother and baby in the hospital for a total of three days. This allows them to monitor both of their conditions, for pain management, and to make sure that the mother has enough fluids immediately after the surgery. The mother can expect to be up and walking with help a few hours after the procedure. Moving around is essential to reducing the constipation and to allow the blood to properly circulate. This will reduce any chances of blood clotting.

After 12 to 24 hours of the procedure the doctors will remove the urinary catheter and any other IV's that they think you do not need. They will wait to do this till after you have enough fluids in you and your urinary function is normal.

It is not unusual to be tired and to feel slight discomfort for 6 weeks. Because of this you need to make sure that you relax during those first few weeks following the C-section procedure. Do not life anything that is heavier then your baby. Also to try to make things easier on yourself keep diapers, blankets, and anything your baby might need without reaching distance and close to you.

Maintain proper abdominal support. A good way to do this is to use a pillow against your stomach. This will help with the pain you will experience if you cough or sneeze fore any reason. Also use it to support you while you are breastfeeding. This will help the recovery process.

You need to drink plenty of water in order to keep your breast milk flowing. It also helps prevent urinary tract infections that can sometimes occur after the catheter that was inserted during the procedure.

Do not have any sex until your doctor gives you the ok. Usually doctors will wait to give the go ahead till 6 weeks after the procedure.

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About the Author:
Early Motherhood is your one stop resource guide to help pregnant mothers learn the basics of what it feels like to be pregnant and what to do when that special package comes into the world.

Is it Labor "8 Signs of Labor"

Author: angela martinez

It's amazing that even with my 5th baby, I still got anxiety when thinking about labor. When will I go into labor? How do I know it's the real thing? What if my water breaks in a public place? Having more than one baby doesn't make you an expert. It's almost as if you forget between pregnancies. I find myself asking the doctors things I should already know. So here are 8 signs of labor for people like me who need to have something on paper to refresh their memory and for those first time moms.

1. "Wow, you have dropped." As you near the end of your pregnancy, you might notice that your baby has moved down lower in your abdomen. On your first pregnancy will usually drop within two weeks to delivery, but it could be as much as four weeks out. On your second pregnancy, usually babies do not drop until labor begins. When the baby's head settles into the pelvis, it is called lightening. You may notice that the baby seems lighter. People will most likely comment about how low you look at this point, because it is a noticeable difference. You should be able to breathe a little easier, because the baby won't be in your ribs as much anymore.

2. "I live in the bathroom." Make sure you stay close to a bathroom. Because your baby's head lies closer to your bladder, you will need to go to the bathroom more often.

3. "My back is killing me." When your baby drops lower, you will have some aches and pains in your lower back and pelvis. You have pelvic ligaments that get stretched at this point. Some people explain it feeling like they are sitting on their baby.

4. "Are these contractions false labor?" Your contractions start to get a little stronger than the usual Braxton-Hicks. Some people explain them as feeling like menstrual cramps. These may not be as strong as full labor contractions, but they will start to thin your cervix. These contractions will get stronger just prior to labor. Keep in mind these could go on for weeks before you actually are in labor. Drink water and change positions to see if they go away. If they do, it's probably false labor.

5. "Am I getting sick?" It is common to have abdominal cramps and loose, frequent bowel movements. It is natures way of emptying your intestines to make room for your baby to be born. These same hormones can make you nauseated.

6. "Should I be concerned?" Generally you will have an increase of vaginal discharge. It is pink tinged in color. This is not the same as "bloody show."

7. "What is that?" Contractions and the baby's head dropping down can cause you to lose your mucus plug. The mucus plug seals the cervix to protect anything from entering the vagina. It is usually thick and gooey. Some women will lose it all at once and some will lose a little bit at a time. It is normal for there to be some blood, but if you have more blood than mucus (equal to a menstrual period or a lot of bright red blood) call your doctor. Once you lose your mucus plug, you are likely to start labor within 3 days.

8. "My water just broke." In every "Hollywood" movie, the pregnant ladies water breaks before any signs of labor. You can feel pretty safe that this will not happen to you while you are standing in line at the grocery store. Most mothers do not have their water break until they are well into labor. If your water does break before labor has started, your labor will start with pretty intense contractions within the next few minutes or hours. It is definitely time to call your doctor.

It is hard to say what is normal when it comes to pregnancy, labor and delivery, because everyone is different. This is just a guideline of the most common signs. If you are ever concerned or not sure about something, consult with your doctor, that's why they get paid the big bucks!

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About the Author: She is the mother of 5 children ranging from 18 yrs. down to 14 months. She is also the author of a variety of articles about family life with children. From babies to teens, she enjoys sharing ideas about what works for her. If you are pregnant and would like to read more about your pregnancy and others, then visit her websites.

Is Caffeine During Pregnancy Harmful?

Author: Cyndra Neal

Pregnant but still craving your caffeine fix? A new study published by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology may help dissuade you from reaching for a second cup of coffee. It finally answers the question of how much is too much caffeine during pregnancy.

First of all, let’s discuss why caffeine may be harmful to a developing fetus. Caffeine does cross the placenta, from mother to baby, constricts blood vessels and can inhibit blood flow. The fetus can metabolize small amounts of caffeine but very slowly which can cause a caffeine build up to dangerous levels. There is also a consensus that caffeine may affect cell development and cause birth defects. Coffee and teas contain phenols which can make it harder for your body to absorb iron.

In this new report done by Kaiser Permanente, 1000 women over two years were studied while they were pregnant. They found that over 200mg of caffeine daily doubled the chance of miscarriage. Two small cups of coffee are generally regarded as about 200mg but this is where it can get tricky to track daily caffeine consumption. The amount of caffeine in the coffee beans them-selves varies widely. Caffeine can also be found in a large variety of products from pain relievers to chocolate to sodas. Coffee ice cream and frozen yogurt can even contain significant amounts. Hot cocoa can have as much as 13mg and energy drinks can contain a whopping 71mg. Also, be careful of a substance called guarana whose seeds contain large amounts of caffeine. Two to four 12 oz sodas depending on brand (regular or diet) or 4 cups of tea can put you at the recommended limit of 200mg.

Here’s a list of caffeine amounts in every day products:

  • Chocolate bar 30mg

  • Stay-awake pill 100mg

  • Vivarin 200mg

  • Cold relief tablet 30mg

  • 2 small cups of coffee ( 7 ounces )

  • Drip 115-175mg

  • Brewed 80-135mg

  • Espresso 100mg of caffeine 1 serving (1.5-2oz)

  • Baking Chocolate, unsweetened, Bakers--1 oz(28 g) 25mg

  • semi-sweet, Bakers -- 1 oz (28 g) 13mg

  • Choc chips Bakers -- 1/4 cup (43 g) 13mg

  • Chocolate bar, Cadbury -- 1 oz (28 g) 15mg

  • Chocolate milk 8oz 8mg

  • Jello Pudding Pops, Choc (47 g) 2mg

  • Choc mousse from Jell-O mix (95 g) 6mg

  • Jello choc fudge mousse (86 g) 12mg

  • 3 Heaping teaspoons of choc powder mix 8mg

  • 2 Tablespoons choc syrup 5mg

  • 1 Envelope hot cocoa mix 5mg

  • ensure, plus, choc, Ross Labs -- 8 oz (259 g) 10mg

If you find yourself battling fatigue after cutting back on your caffeine consumption, don’t fight it – go ahead and take that nap. Pregnant women need more sleep. Taking a shower, stretching or even a glass of fruit juice may help to energize you. Herbal teas may help soothe other caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

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About the Author:
Cyndra Neal has authored several articles on family dynamics including topics such as acid reflux and colic. She gives advice to new moms every day with babies that struggle with colic symptoms.

Planning Pregnancy–or Battling Infertility?

Author: Kassie Kuehl

Most women know that when they become pregnant, there is a need to smarten up and realize how critical it is to eat well, and to avoid certain foods such as caffeine or fish, due to its elevated levels of mercury. There is also another side of the story for those wishing to conceive, and are battling with infertility.

Eating well and eliminating stress are important, but there is an even bigger picture to a healthy pregnancy, conceiving, and the toxic "body burdon." The term body burdon pertains to the slew of environmental as well as manmade chemicals. Chemicals made by man are fat soluble and not readily broken down by metabolic processes–and because of this, can be stored in body fats and build up to dangerous levels.

If a woman breastfeeds, female offspring are potentially most at risk of accumulative toxins. Over the past several years, studies have come out to show that chemicals have been found in the breast milk of American women. A study of the breast milk of American women published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in 2003 found "unexpectedly high levels" of chemical fire retardants in every participant tested.

The average level of bromine-based fire retardants in the milk of 20 first-time mothers was 75 times the average found in recent European studies. Milk from two study participants contained the highest levels of fire retardants ever reported in the United States, and milk from several of the mothers in EWG’s study had among the highest levels of these chemicals yet detected worldwide.

While the news of these chemicals in breast milk is shocking and disturbing to most moms, doctors and experts agree that the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the risks and breast is still best.
On and in Our Body
Each day American women reach for shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, and moisturizers. We apply blush, eye shadow, mascara, and lipstick, then maybe dab on some nail polish and perfume. We look good, we smell good–AND we have just exposed ourselves to 200 different synthetic chemicals.

It is not just a makeup problem–but a snapshot of the BIG PICTURE

We are seeing more benign lumps in breasts, thyroid problems, and infertility, which have become an increasingly common experience for many women. As a Western society, we are at an interesting disconnect–looking at how to treat disease–but not how to prevent disease.

Chemicals also affecting men–and some chemicals in these products are particularly problematic for men. We're all exposed to phthalates, and phthalates interfere with the production of testosterone, and they're also linked to health effects like lower sperm counts and testicular tumors.

We now know that what we eat passes into your bloodstream and to your baby, however it is as important to know what you are absorbing through your skin. Our tissue uptakes 64 percent of everything we use topically–everything we put on our skin or hair. Many manmade cosmetic chemicals are fat soluble and are not readily broken down by metabolic processes, and because of this, can be stored in body fats and build up to dangerous levels. Babies are potentially most at risk because during breastfeeding, further exposure to the pollutants stored in body fats occurs.

Since personal care products are not regulated by the FDA, you may be surprised that a number of controversial ingredients and known carcinogenics are found in our skin, hair, and body care. This is why it is up to you to decide what you feel at peace with as to what you’re putting onto, and therefore into, your body, and potentially passing on to your baby.

For years, retinoids, salicylic acid, and accutane have been declared unsafe to use during pregnancy. Through research, this list continues to grow. Pregnant women should be aware of other questionable ingredients such as parabens, PEGs, and acrylamides. Often women have reactions to fragrance, mineral oils and allergens during pregnancy.

Seek out products that are natural and do not contain parabens, PEGs, SLS, glycols, acrylates, mineral oils, silicones or artificial fragrance. To help change the face of this industry, stop wasting your money on bottom-line companies that use cheap additives or fillers in their products.

Put it to action and test yourself!

Are you aware that the European Union has banned over 1,300 chemicals used in making skin care products? The USA has only banned 9.

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Take this quiz to find out if you may be using products that could adversely affect you and your family’s health.

Take a look at the ingredients of the beauty products you use. Then answer the following questions True or False:

1. Sodium lauryl sulfate appears as an ingredient in my shampoo or other hair products.

2. I notice a combination of sodium lauryl sulfate and TEA (triethanolamine, DEA (diethanolamine), or MEA (monoethanolamine) in one or more of the hair products I use.

3. The word "methylparaben" appears on a label.

4. My product lists "fragrance" on the label.

5. I see the words "dibutyl phthalate, or DBP," or "diethylhexyl phthalate, or DEHP" on a label.

If you answered "True" to any of the questions, you may want to reconsider using those products. Here's why:

1. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a suspected liver or gastrointestinal toxiocant and sometimes causes eye and skin irritation, hair loss, and allergic reactions.

2. When sodium lauryl sulfate is combined with TEA, DEA, or MEA, it can cause the formation of nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic.

3. Methylparaben is a commonly used disinfectant in many products. But recent research has shown that, when exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, it actually causes wrinkles and liver spots.

4. Artificial fragrances have been linked to a wide variety of health problems. Artificial musk, for example, has been shown to weaken the immune system.

5. Phthalates—plasticizers found in numerous cosmetics and other products—have been shown to be hormone disruptors that can cause birth defects and other harm.

Find out more about the toxic chemicals hiding in your beauty products at, The Environmental Working Group (

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About the Author:
Kassie Kuehl, a natural products hair stylist and health coach, believes that it is crucial pregnant women pay close attention to the ingredients in their hair, skin, and body care products–and become educated in the use of non toxic products/services. Kassie has many educational articles and info about her Organic Salon Services at Kasia Salon offers high-quality, natural skin care products to help improve your overall health of your skin, body, and soul!

Kasia believes that beautiful hair and skin is directly linked to beautiful health. Our hair and skin reflects the state of the body's health and looks its best when all cells in the skin's layers are properly nourished and hydrated, naturally.

“Be in the know” and learn more about Kasia Beautiful Health Skin Care and Kasia Organic Salon at the Author’s Site:

Early Pregnancy Discharge is Normal

Author: Ling Tong

In early pregnancy, discharge is quite normal. In fact some women notice this discharge before they even know they are pregnant and mistakenly believe it to be a yeast infection. Vaginal discharge is one of the early symptoms that you are pregnant even before it is possible for the pregnancy to show up in a blood or urine test or in a home pregnancy kit. While you can expect to have some vaginal discharge all the way through the pregnancy, it is more so in the early weeks. This is because the walls of the vagina are becoming thicker and so some of the mucous leaks because of the turnover in the cells of the lining.

The lining starts to thicken because the brain starts producing more of the female hormone estrogen . This causes an increased blood flow to the vagina. This cervical mucous is also a sign later in your pregnancy that you are close to delivering the baby with an increase in the discharge around this time. This may come out as one lump, often referred to as the mucous plug, or you may just notice that your have more discharge than usual.

You do have to be careful with a discharge early in the pregnancy and at all times throughout the forty weeks. If you notice that the discharge has a foul smell to it or is discoloured, rather than being white, this is a symptom of a bacterial or yeast infection. The discharge is often accompanied by itching and burning. When you see your doctor about this problem, the results of a urine test can tell whether there are any yeast cells present. The doctor will prescribe a cream for you to use externally and cream or capsules that you can use internally by means of a special applicator. You can also purchase this type of treatment over the counter without a prescription and is safe to use during pregnancy.

Although having a yeast infection while you are pregnant will not harm the baby, it will make you feel really uncomfortable, especially at night. If you scratch this area too much, this can lead to a vaginal infection, which could spread to the uterus. Another problem that you could encounter is that if you leave the yeast infection untreated, as the baby passes through the vagina during the birthing process, it could easily pick up the infection.

One way in which you can prevent a yeast infection from developing is to always keep the genital area clean and dry. You also have to keep in mind that yeast cells occur naturally in the body and can even bloom into an infection as part of your body reaction to foods or even scented soaps and lotions. Yogurt is especially effective in helping to treat and prevent a yeast infection and is part of a healthy diet whether you are pregnant or not.

If you are not sure whether the vaginal discharge you have early in your pregnancy is actually a symptom that you are going to have a baby, you can contact your doctor for a check up just to make sure.

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Pregnancy and Childbirth

Author: Shahidul Islam

Weight Loss after Pregnancy
First Trimester

You already know that women may gain up to 30 lb or even more during the nine months of pregnancy. And then, when your baby is born, it’s often a huge problem to get rid of the excess pregnancy weight. But you should still stay positive and work hard in striving for “the slim yourself” all the nine months after pregnancy. Here’s what prevents you from losing excess weight and what to start with during the first postpartum trimester.

New Life after Pregnancy
Got new experience? Childbirth is actually an eye-opening thing. First, you realize the view that babies sleep up to 15 hours a day is far from being true. Even calm babies are likely to catnap and give their parents a hard time round the clock. Second, realizing that those pounds are still there, a young mom goes into a tailspin.

What Prevents from Getting Slim?
But what prevents you from getting slim during the first trimester? Progesterone and lactation hormone still prevail in the hormone profile. It is linked to the increased appetite. That’s why your belly and hips are still a problem. Obviously, lack of sleep and unhealthy sleep contribute to your inability to lose weight (it relates to all people).

Losing Weight during the First Postpartum Period
How to lose weight? Breastfeeding does not impede your efforts towards being slim. With no childbirth complications and a healthy lactation, you will be losing excessive weight naturally as the fat is used to produce milk. At average, your body consumes 30-40 g of fat daily.

Postpartum Weight Loss Tips
Tips. Here is a hard and simple rule for you –don’t ever try to start a strict diet. Make sure you don’t eat more than usually, though. Breastfeeding mothers often make the same mistakes, trying to eat more of fatty food (to make milk more nourishing), chose too big portions (to ensure their milk is good) and even have a hamburger before sleep (to make sure they have enough milk at night).

In reality, the quantity of breast milk has nothing to do with breastfeeding mother’s diet.

What Stimulates Lactation?
The secretion of lactation hormone is influenced by the other female hormones –estrogen in particular, not by eating more. It also depends on how right the breastfeeding process is as well as on your psycho-emotional state. Both for the mother and her baby, emotional state and healthy sleep is much more important than portion sizes.

Article Source: More Article regarding Prenancy and childbirth

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Shahidul Islam
IT Professional

Complete Fitness During Pregnancy

Author: gardnerwilkinson

Just because you are carrying a baby in your stomach, that is no reason to allow your health and fitness go to pieces. Remember that you have to live in your body long after the baby has left it, and if you gain excess weight or become too lethargic, there will be a price to pay. Besides, your baby’s health and your happiness depends on how fit you are during your pregnancy.

In the distant past, pregnant women were advised to take things slow. Today, with the likes of Angelina Jolie and Nicole Kidman, it is passé to be anything but beautiful, sexy and fit during your pregnancy. See, it’s fashionable to be a hot mama!

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advises that you get your doctor’s clearance before you undertake any kind of fitness regime. Be extremely vigilant and keep your doctor informed of all your exercise routines. In case of any signs of discharge, bleeding, pain, discomfort or extreme fatigue, report it to your doctor immediately. Do not take any supplements without the advice of your doctor.

If you have been ignoring your fitness before pregnancy, this is the time to adopt a healthy fitness regime. On the other hand, if you have been exercising well up to the time of conception, you can improve your health and maintain your level of cardiovascular fitness through exercises. Continue with exercises like walking, jogging or running. But reduce the intensity and duration as you move to the second and third trimester. Always make it a point to start off with gentle stretches. This gets your body ready for exercise. Warm up and cool down before and after exercising.

While pregnant women generally experience higher levels of flexibility due to the release of hormones, avoid the temptation to overstretch, because overstretching can lead to joint or muscle injury. Most pregnant women are told to avoid extreme crunches. Jumping and jerking motions should be avoided. Wear comfortable clothing and proper shoes while exercising. This protects you and avoids injuries. There will come a time when floor exercises become uncomfortable. At this time, you can consider alternative options like mild aerobics, slow cycling or swimming.

After the first trimester, most women experience a shifting of their center of gravity. This means that even movements that you were used to doing may throw you off balance. This is normal. Take extra care to monitor your body temperature during exercise. If your core temperature rises too much, it might affect your baby. Also keep your heart rate under 130 beats per minute at all times, no matter how tempted you are to stretch your limits.

Do not exercise first thing in the morning. Have a light snack so you may avoid spells of hypoglycemia-induced dizziness. Hydrate your body well and do not exercise beyond your level of tolerance.

Studies show that fitness during pregnancy leads to easy birth and helps you return to your pre-pregnancy shape and weight faster. It even speeds up recovery after birth. However, to reap these results, it is important to exercise regularly and adopt an exercise program that has been specially designed for pregnant women.

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Pregnancy Fitness - Pregnancy Planet is the only community on the web dedicated to pregnant and TTC parents. We provide week by week pregnancy information, symptoms & advice along with parenting tips & solutions, conception due date calculator, celebrity baby news, free TTC tickers & blinkies and much more.

Labor Signs

Author: Jay Wilson

It is important to know the labor signs before they occur. To avoid stress and panic, if a woman knows exactly what is happening with her body then she will be comfortable with these labor signs when they occur. You should be aware that you do not have to be aware of every labor sign, there are plenty, so once you notice one you can begin to prepare your self for the stages of labor.

There are various signs of labor. Such signs of labor include mucus blood spotting, nausea and diarrhea, lightening, Braxton Hicks contractions and/ or a nesting instinct. You will learn about these different labor signs in the following.

Mucus blood spotting occurs because the cervix has begun to dilate and therefore breaks tiny capillaries. The color should be more of a brown to pinkish color rather than red. If it is red, then there may be a problem with the placenta and you should contact your doctor. Otherwise this type of discharge can occur hours to weeks before the birth.

Nausea and diarrhea are also onsets of labor signs. Due to the change in hormones, preparing for the birth, the woman’s body will incur changes which may make her react with these labor signs. Lightening is another frequent labor sign. A woman will notice that she has more air as the lungs have more room to work because the baby has dropped into delivery position. Besides the additional air you will notice much more pressure in the pelvic area. For first time deliverers, this can happen weeks before while second to multiple deliverers may experience lightening hours before.

As the delivery approaches many women experience false contractions known as Braxton Hicks Contractions. These can start to occur weeks before the arrival of your newborn. As the delivery date approaches these contractions often become much more painful and intense leading many mothers to believe that they are going into labor. The final labor sign is the nesting instinct where the woman has the natural feeling that the birth will be taking place at any moment. Many times she will be full of energy just days before the delivery.

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About the Author: offers pregnancy information including pregnancy signs, pregnancy stages, pregnancy symptoms, and information on Labor Signs

Pregnancy Massage

Author: Jay Wilson

As wonderful as being pregnant is, it can become very stressful due to all of the changes that occur in a woman’s body. Therefore, the best way to relieve stress and promote a healthy pregnancy for a woman and baby, is by having a pregnancy massage. There are various benefits for having a pregnancy massage. A woman can go to a massage therapist and even her partner can help perform a pregnancy massage. The following is a list of all of the benefits that a woman receives from a pregnancy massage.

• Pregnancy massages help to circulate the blood in the lymphatic and circulatory systems. This stimulation leads to more energetic moms to be. It also normalizes the blood pressure. The circulation also helps to release oxygen and nutrients to the mom and baby making them healthier.
• Pregnancy massages relax the muscles which in turn help to get rid of any type of cramps, tension, stress, tightening of the muscle etc. It also helps these things from preventing. The mother to be will also be able to rest easier at night because she is relieved from stress.
• Hormone levels constantly change in pregnant women yet you will be able to stabilize them a pit from a pregnancy massage because it stimulates the glandular secretions.
• A pregnancy massage will also stimulate lactic acids and other harmful toxins in the body and will make them leave the body. This helps to prevent from muscle fatigue as well.
• Pregnancy massages are also known to help relieve or lower the likeliness of depression in the mother to be.
• As the muscles are relaxed they are able to stretch better and increases the flexibility in a pregnancy massage. Therefore, this will come in handy while giving birth and the months leading up to the birth.

Overall, there are only benefits from a pregnancy massage. If you are pregnant you should have a professional massage at least one to two times a month while pregnant and have regular massages performed by your partner so that you are constantly relaxed.

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About the Author: offers pregnancy information including pregnancy signs, pregnancy stages, pregnancy symptoms, and much more.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Inducing Labor at Home

Author: Jay Wilson

Many women want to induce labor at home for many reasons. Some people want their child born on a particular day and therefore try home remedies to induce labor at home. Nevertheless there are multiple risks associated with labor induction so many doctors advise against inducing labor at home.

Some risks that a woman may be incurring by practicing labor induction at home include a uterine rupture, fetal distress, an increased likelihood of having a C- section, continuous fetal monitoring, use of pain relief medicines, a premature birth and placental abruption. Some of these risks may not be life threatening yet it is always better to be on the safe side of pregnancy. Therefore one should try to avoid at home labor induction so that none of these risks purposely occur.

Nevertheless there are many people who want to induce labor at home. Doctors do recommend against while others do not actually believe that the birth can be induced by such home and natural remedies such as having sexual intercourse, nipple stimulation, blue cohosh, black cohosh, stripping membranes, castor oil, raspberry tea, relaxation methods and primrose oil. Many doctors believe that these methods may only work if the body is ready to give birth and has already started to show labor signs. Otherwise, trying to induce labor at home will not work.

Nonetheless, one should take into the consideration that if these methods do work they could lead to risks with the pregnancy. Labor induction at home should not be practiced unless under the supervision of a doctor. You should try to let the birth process be as natural as possible in order to avoid all associated risks with labor induction at home.

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About the Author: offers pregnancy information including pregnancy signs, pregnancy stages, pregnancy symptoms, and much more.

Pregnancy Day by Day Calendar

Author: Jay Wilson

You will be pregnant, on average, for more than two hundred and fifty days. That’s an awfully long time, isn’t it? Not when you’re pregnant! When pregnant, a time span of two hundred and fifty days can speed by as if it’s merely hours. Knowing what to expect by using a pregnancy day by day calendar can help to ease your worries and make plans for the rest of your pregnancy, as well as for when your baby arrives.

Your body will be undergoing many changes as your pregnancy progresses. Some can be tracked monthly; others weekly or even daily. By using a pregnancy day by day calendar to learn what to expect from your changing body, as well as to make note of the exciting and wonderful things that you can notice in your own body, you can help your pregnancy to progress smoothly. A pregnancy day by day calendar can also help you to become more in tune with your own body, so that if anything odd or concerning were to occur, you would be able to catch it right off the bat and get to the doctor right away.

The stages of pregnancy are very different from one another. The changes in your body that you experience in the early weeks and months will be far different from what you experience towards the end. With a pregnancy day by day calendar, you can look ahead to see what the coming days and weeks may bring, in order to prepare yourself both physically and mentally. Do you have horrible morning sickness early on? A pregnancy day by day calendar can bring you the good news that once you reach the end of the first trimester, your symptoms will likely clear and you’ll experience good health again.

Pregnancy can be both a very stressful time and a very joyful time. With a little preparation and a lot of reading and looking ahead, you can know what to expect and when and make the overall progression of your pregnancy far smoother. With a pregnancy day by day calendar, the weeks will fly by until your new bundle of joy has joined the world!

NOTE FOR JASON: BabyPartner has a Weekly Pregnancy Calendar. Should this be “Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar”?

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About the Author: offers pregnancy information including pregnancy signs, pregnancy stages, pregnancy symptoms, and information on pregnancy day by day calendar.

Facts of Male Infertility

Author: DLDowney

Age: It is not clear what the effect of aging is on male fertility. However, evidence of late suggests that it may be a factor (although not to the degree that it is in women). This evidence shows that age-related sperm changes in men is a gradual process. Aging can adversely affect sperm counts and sperm's ability to swim quickly and move in a straight line.

Bicycling has been linked to impotence in men and also may affect fertility. Pressure from the bike seat may damage blood vessels and nerves that are responsible for erections.

Certain cancers and their treatments, especially testicular cancer, hinder sperm production, often severely. Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can damage sperm quality and quantity, causing infertility.

Defective Genetic Material: Sperm carry half the genetic material necessary to make a human being. Infertile men have been reported to have a relatively high percentage of sperm with broken or damaged DNA.

Environmental Assaults: Exposure to toxins, chemicals, or infections may reduce sperm count either by direct effects on testicular function or by altering hormone systems, although the extent of the impact and specific environmental assaults involved are questionable. Some experts believe it is contributing to a general worldwide decline in male fertility.

Excessive Exercise has been associated with reduced sperm production.

Fertilizing a woman’s egg must be achieved in order to get his partner pregnant. Therefore, a man must be able to deliver healthy sperm into the vagina. Sperm must be properly shaped and able to move toward the egg for fertilization to occur. If the shape and structure (morphology) of the sperm are abnormal or the movement (motility) is impaired, sperm may not be able to reach or penetrate the egg.

Glandular Infections in the Urinary Tract or Genitals: Glandular infections that may affect fertility include prostatitis (in the prostate gland), orchitis (in the testicle), semino-vesculitis (in the glands that produce semen), or urethritis (in the urethra), possibly by altering sperm motility.

Heavy Substance Abuse: Cocaine or heavy marijuana use appears to temporarily reduce the number and quality of sperm by as much as 50%. Sperm have receptors for certain compounds in marijuana that may affect the sperm's ability to swim and also keep them from penetrating the egg. Very heavy alcohol use can also affect fertility.

Impotence: (Erectile Dysfunction) is when a man has problems getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. It happens when not enough blood flows to the penis.

Inherited Disorders that Affect Fertility: Certain inherited disorders can impair fertility such as Cystic fibrosis, Klinefelter syndrome, Kartagener syndrome and Polycystic kidney disease.

Jumpstart Fertility by acquiring healthy habits. Eat healthy. Exercise moderately and abstain from heavy substance abuse.
Kidney or liver failure, chronic anemia, diabetes HIV, thyroid disease, Cushing syndrome, heart attack, or any severe injury or major surgery are medical conditions that can affect male fertility.
Low Sperm Count: There has to be enough sperm in the semen to make pregnancy likely. A normal sperm concentration is greater than or equal to 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen. A count of 10 million or fewer sperm per milliliter of semen indicates low sperm concentration.

Lubricants used with condoms, including spermicides, oils, and Vaseline, can affect fertility. Astroglide, Replens, or mineral oil may not be as harmful to sperm. However, oil-based lubricants can damage latex condoms and should be avoided.

Medications: The effects of medications on sperm quality and count have not been studied in depth, and many medicines are commonly prescribed without knowing whether they impair fertility. Anabolic steroids (which have been overly abused by weight lifters and other athletes) deserve special attention because they are known to severely harm sperm production. Among the other drugs that can affect male fertility are cimetidine (Tagamet), sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), salazopyrine, colchicine, methadone, methotrexate (Folex), phenytoin (Dilantin), corticosteroids, spironolactone (Aldactone), thioridazine (Mellaril), and calcium channel blockers.

Mumps: When mumps develop after puberty, it damages the testicles in 25% of men afflicted with the disease.

Mycoplasma is an infectious organism that appears to fasten itself to sperm cells and render them less motile.

No semen (ejaculate). The absence of ejaculate may occur in men with spinal cord injuries or diseases. This fluid carries the sperm from the penis into the vagina.

Obesity may be a risk factor for male infertility. A 2006 epidemiological study found that a 20-pound increase in a man's weight increased the chance for infertility by about 10 percent.

Premature ejaculation can occasionally make fertilization difficult or impossible for couples who are trying to become pregnant.

Question your doctor: When a couple has failed to conceive after one year of well-timed intercourse, they should seek expert care. In cases where the woman is older than age 35, treatment should be sought after six months of well-timed intercourse.

Repeated Chlamydia trachomatis or gonorrhea infections are most often associated with male infertility. Such infections can cause scarring and block sperm passage. Human papilloma viruses, the cause of genital warts, may also impair sperm function.

Smoking impairs sperm motility, reduces sperm lifespan, and may cause genetic changes that affect the offspring.

Stress may interfere with the hormone GnRH and reduce sperm counts.

Testicular Overheating: High fevers, saunas, and hot tubs, may temporarily lower sperm count. Persistent exposure to high temperatures during work may impair fertility.

Undescended testicle: The testicles make male hormones and sperm. Usually both testicles are inside the scrotum. While male babies are still growing inside the uterus, their testicles are inside their abdomen. The testicles usually move down into the scrotum just before or just after birth. An undescended testicle is one that did not move down into the scrotum.

Varicocele: This is when the veins in the scrotum become enlarged, twisted or swollen (similar to varicose veins in the leg). This heats the inside of the scrotum and may affect sperm production.

Wearing tight-fitting pants and underwear. According to a study on "Tight-fitting Underwear and Sperm Quality" published June 29, 1996, in the scientific journal The Lancet. Tight-fitting underwear is not recommended for men trying to father a child because it may raise testes temperature to a point where it interferes with sperm production.

X Chromosomes play a role in some forms of male infertility that result from low sperm counts. Scientists have found that almost half the genes related to sperm production reside in the X chromosome, universally thought of as the female sex chromosome. Many genes for early male sperm production reside on the X Chromosome.

Your loss of libido (reduced or lost interest in sex) can also be a factor in male infertility.

Zinc, folate, selenium, vitamins C & E deficiencies in men may be particular risk factors for infertility.

If you are interested in pregnancy...or avoiding it, please visit

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About the Author: Article Written for Pregnancy...or Not Author: DLDowney

Infertility Services: Helping Parents Conceive Children

Author: Justin

Not too long ago, if a couple was having problems getting pregnant, they had little, if any, options to help them conceive a child. However, now in the world of vast medical and technological advances, this is often no longer the case. Couples who, in the past, had given up hope of ever having a child of their own are now able to get pregnant and enjoy the reward of being parents.

There are many clinics out there that offer infertility services. If you and your significant other are having problems conceiving a child, you have probably looked into the option of visiting one of these clinics to see if there is hope for you to get pregnant. Although you should not have a problem finding a clinic that will offer you the service of finding out why you have been unable to have children, it is usually a good idea to approach the matter with caution.

With the large number of clinics that offer infertility services, it is a good idea to do some homework before deciding which specialist you are going to seek the services of. You will probably want to seek the help of someone that has experience in the field and that has a proven track record of successfully helping couples conceive children. Trying to have a child is a very emotional thing, so if you go with a specialist that has extensive experience, you will be making it that much more likely that they will help you to get pregnant sooner. A way to find a professional health service provider in this area is to talk with other doctors to see if they would recommend someone that you should visit. If you know any other couples that have gone through the same process, you could try asking them who they would recommend that you see. It an also be very beneficial to ask those couples about their experiences of going through the process. Again, this can be a very emotional process, so learning the stories of other couples and of how things went for them can be a big help to you.

Before you decide to move forward with infertility services, it is a good idea to know the risks as well as the benefits. Once you have found a health service provider that you are comfortable with, do not hesitate to ask them all of the questions that you have. The more that you know going into the process, the better off you will be, and the less surprises you will hopefully have to deal with along the way.

Having a child can be a wonderfully rewarding experience, but if you are having problems conceiving a child all you are probably feeling is frustrated. However, things are much different today than they were just a few decades ago, and there are many resources available to help turn your desire of having a child into reality. So, if you have written the option of having children off as impossible, you might want to look into the available resources before denying yourself the reward of being a parent.

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About the Author: Visit the Florida PCOS Treatment Clinic on procedures and questions for FL Tubal Reversal in Pensacola, Panama City and Tallahassee.

What's Low Progesterone Infertility

Author: Pius Victor Ephenus

Low progesterone infertility is one of the most common causes of infertility in women. During the course of the monthly menstrual cycle, there are fluctuation in progesterone level notably. There will be a swift rise of progesterone at the time of ovulation. If fertilisation has not happened, this reduces. The diminishment of progesterone and estrogen will prompt the begin of the monthly period. contrarily, whenever conception has occur, the level of progesterone increases hence stop the lining of uterus being repudiated.

There can be premature birth danger because of falling level of progesterone or low progesterone. The differentiation that appear in the breast is as a result of progesterone and it stimulates breast milk. Foetus is conduce to the attribute of progesterone. The right amount will work as a support for the pregnancy, while low level of progesterone can delay the pregnancy from developing or even cause a miscarriage or other complications while pregnant. It has been shown that infertility is a consequence of low progesterone levels.

How can the Problem low level of progesterone be Addressed?

If you are having difficulty conceiving or in the past have miscarriaged, you should seek the opinion of the medical expert to access the level of progesterone and other hormone. The most popular causes of infertility has been discover to be low progesterone. Some factors that have to be taken into account are modern day living. For example, modern farming methods been employ now a days, where cattles, chickens, and other livestock are been injected with hormones to boast their quick development. There have been suggestion by expert that feeding on meat, chickens, injected with hotmones can have bad effect on us. Definately, there will be further studies like before to uncover the truth because it appear that low progesterone infertility and human fertility are symptons. You should also note that aluminium foil packaging and artificial sweeteners are said to be other contributing factors having negative effect on our lives and also increases the occurence of infertility in men and women.

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About the Author: Other notable causes of infertility are diets, smoking and alcohol. To learn more about Low Progesterone Infertility and further education about infertility go over to

Female Infertility and Its Common Causes

Author: Jane Ng

Female infertility refers to the difficulty or inability of a woman to conceive a child on her own without medication or fertility treatments. Female infertility is relatively common, and becomes more prevalent as the age of the woman increases. Some infertility issues can be resolved with a change in lifestyle or medications, while other issues are permanent and another option, such as in vitro fertilization, may be necessary to achieve conception.

Common Reasons For Female Infertility

One of the most common factors for female infertility is age. Women are at their peak for conceiving a child between the ages of 18 and 27. After the age of 27, fertility begins to decline slowly until the age of 35, when fertility drops drastically. As a woman reaches her late 40s to early 50s, fertility becomes near impossible due to age alone, as the body can no longer easily support a healthy pregnancy to term.

Thrombophilia is also a major reason for infertility issues. Thrombophilia is an abnormality in individuals that prevents them from developing blood clots. The disorder is hereditary, and affects as many as 10% of individuals in the country. Because blood is unable to clot, thrombophilia can cause excessive bleeding that does not allow for conception, or does not support a healthy pregnancy and ends in a miscarriage soon after conception.

Female Infertility And Reproductive Organs

Many female infertility issues are directly linked to problems with their reproductive system. Polycystic ovary syndrome, more commonly known as PCOS, is an endocrine disorder that can make it near impossible for sufferers to conceive. About 5% of all women are affected by the disorder, and it is the most common hormonal disorder in women between the ages of 18 and 27, as well as the leading cause of female infertility.

Anovulation is a disorder where the ovaries fail to release an egg during a cycle. Therefore, ovulation never takes place. While this can sometimes be mistaken for the beginning of menopause, anovulatory cycles are very common in women of childbearing age, and is the second cause of female infertility problems due to reproductive issues. Anovulation cannot be cured, but it can be managed with hormonal drugs to keep the cycle normal and to encourage ovulation. Often times, an ovulation will correct itself in spurts, allowing for conception to take place when the disorder is in a period of remission.

Female infertility problems are more common than male fertility problems, but that doesn’t mean that women who suffer with a fertility problem with never be able to conceive. With modern medicine and new technologies being developed every day, women who would have never been able to conceive 20 years ago now have a chance to go on and have two, three, four, or more healthy children in their lifetime. The key is to seek help as soon as you know you have a problem, and learn to manage your disorder and to keep your options open for conception alternatives.

Find out about our recommended Fertility Aids to help you get pregnant fast.

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About the Author: Copyright of Jane Ng and Getting Pregnant Tips.

The Bitter Truth About Ivf

Author: Iva Keene ND

The evolution of modern medicine over the last 100 years has been phenomenal. Keyhole surgery and some of the diagnostic tools available today have made it possible to identify and deal with some of the health problems in a quick and easy way.

Post accident and trauma treatments are second to none as well as the replacements of worn joints. Thanks to modern technology and procedures we can now have artificial joints, bypasses, donor organs, pace makers and postpone death for longer. But at what price? And what quality of life can we expect if we are dependent on two fistfuls of prescription drugs, one for our condition and the other to counteract the side effects of the first fistful? And why did we allow our health to deteriorate so far?

Technology can not prevent disease nor enhance ones wellbeing and overall health. Technology can not remove the cause of a disease or a condition. Only you can do that.

Somewhere in the last 100 years we started believing that these amazing advances in medicine will take care of anything that goes wrong in the course of our lives and that we don’t have to do anything on our part to stay healthy and well.

Some 20 years ago tables have turned when we got a healthy dose of reality check. Drugs bring in tow an array of side effects and contraindications of which some can be quite debilitating and can significantly reduce the quality of life.

Infertility treatments are no different;

There is a place for assisted reproduction technology and sometimes that is the only viable option. Having said that even if you choose that option without trying the natural methods first, just remember that you can actually do both to double your chances of success with ART.

A study by Foresight, the Association for Pre-conceptual healthcare in the United Kingdom shows that couples going through IVF are up to 47% more successful if they used pre-conceptual health care program first.

The same study demonstrated an astounding success rate of 81% of conceptions among couples previously diagnosed as infertile. Among those who conceived there were no miscarriages, no perinatal deaths, no malformations and no newborn admissions to intensive care. Women who participated in the study were between 25 and 45 years old and Men between 25 and 59 years old. (Pract. Midwife)

Those numbers speak for themselves, not to mention the following figures which illustrate the financial implications.

Financial Costs of ART

In the US an average IVF cycle costs between $10,000 and $15,000. Analysts have reported costs of about $35,000 per delivery in younger women, while medical costs per delivery are over $132,000 for women over 40. (Marc Perloe, Your Total Health)

Additional charges apply if you choose a donor, artificial insemination and freezing, ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) and PGD (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis). You health cover may not even cover the newer procedures as they’ve only been around for a short time and the risk factors as well as generational effects have not yet been established. Besides for women over 40 IVF is up to 4 times less cost effective. (The Medical Journal of Australia)

An Australian study on the costing of ART found that the average health care cost per non-donor ART live birth was $ 32, 903 ($24,809 if under 30 and $97,884 if under 40). The staggering cost of live birth for women aged 42 and over was $182,794! (The Medical Journal of Australia)

Now that is a lot of money, especially if you take the following findings into consideration:

Health Risks of ART

Studies have shown that IVF drugs are dangerous for the health of mothers as well as babies and there is no clear evidence they increase a woman’s chance of conceiving. Multiple studies have documented the high risk of birth deformity and severe health problems associated with IVF births. A study from Finland in 2005 showed 43 babies out of every thousand conceived using IVF techniques suffered from a variety of abnormalities including genetic deformities, brain disorders, developmental delays and genital malformations.(Dr. Geeta Nargund)

Dr. Alastair Sutcliffe of the Institute of Child Health at University College London and Dr. Michael Ludwid of the Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecologic Endocrinology in Hamburg, conducted a study where they examined 3,980 articles in medical and scientific journals published between 1980 and 2005. The study results showed that there are significantly higher risks of long –term medical problems for children conceived via artificial means such as IVF and ICSI. The doctors have advised that the children should be monitored well into the adulthood as there are no long term data available about their health as adults.

The study showed that there is:

· 20%-34% - higher risk of miscarriage

· 55% - increased risk of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy)

· 155% - increased risk of stillbirth

· 170%-200% - increased risk of very low birth rate

Another study conducted in 2007 showed that children conceived through IVF visit hospitals significantly more times than naturally conceived children.

Dr. Marjo – Riita Jarvelin, professor at Imperial College London reported that certain disease groups such as infections, respiratory and inflammatory diseases and neurological disorders were more common among those born after IVF.

In addition concerns have been raised about the impact of IVF on mental health of the women undergoing the procedures. Such high unnatural doses of artificial hormones play havoc with a woman’s body and mind which is only worsening already distressed and depressed state many women find themselves in when they find out that they are infertile.

Researchers have warned that women seeking treatment for infertility have an increased rate of depressive symptoms and possibly major depression. (Hum. Reprod.)

In the light of the numerous concerns that have been raised among scientists about the increased risk of serious undesirable side effects F. Comhaire and A. Mahmoud from the Centre for Medical and Urological Andrology, Ghent University Hospital in Belgium concluded that:

"IVF and ICIS treatments must be reserved as the ultimate option after evidence-based and cause-directed treatment of the male patient with deficient semen has been exhausted”. (F. Comhaire and A. Mahmoud from the Centre for Medical and Urological Andrology, Ghent University Hospital in Belgium)

Furthermore Dr. Geeta Nargund, head of reproductive medicine at St. George’s Hospital in London, warned about consequences for a woman’s reproductive organs later in life, especially uterine cancer. Dr. Nargund pointed out that IVF drugs used by fertility clinics are unregulated, and since the existing guidelines are not binding fertility clinics are free to prescribe dangerously high doses of drugs, even though there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to show that it will help the women conceive, nor what the long term consequences are.The bottom line is more research is needed.

Couples are emotionally, physically and financially broke after repeated cycles of IVF. The last thing they need if they do get pregnant, is a miscarriage or a still born baby, not to mention the heartache and continual financial strain in case of a child with malformations and frequent visits to a hospital or a lingering worry about woman’s health as she approaches older age where a natural tendency towards declining health already exists.

Taking all of this into account (and that’s not even all there is!) it is only fair to say that IVF IS A BAD FIRST CHOICE. Leave it as the last option, after you’ve exhausted the natural options which will only make you healthier in the long run. And since you can use preconception health care with IVF, by all means make use of that choice to really minimize all the risks to your and your baby’s health (and your partner’s indirectly) should you still opt for IVF in the end.

And remember if you want a complete guide with step-by-step instructions on how to increase your odds of conceiving naturally and to learn about why ART may not be the best solution for you, see my Why IVF is a Bad First Choice that's part of my "Natural Fertility Cures Program".

Article Source:

About the Author: Iva K. Keene is the founder of Australian Natural Therapeutics, a company devoted to empowering women and men around the world with the tools to live their lives to the fullest potential in vibrant health and wellbeing. A leading naturopathic physician, fertility and sleep specialist,researcher and author Iva has gained international recognition as an expert in her field. She dedicates herself to educating woman and men in natural health and wellbeing choices to enable them to lead a happy and fulfilled life, as well as managing woman's and men's health in her private clinic in Switzerland.

Iva created the successful

Natural Fertility Cures Program
. This highly accomplished program is designed for women and men desiring to overcome their fertility problems, whilst giving them the opportunity to take home a healthy baby. The program is based on Iva's H.E.A.L Method a scientifically and empirically validated approach which has been shown to significantly increase chances of overcoming infertility naturally as well as reduce the chances of miscarriages without recourse to drugs and expensive procedures. The Natural Fertility Cures program is only available at In addition, should you choose IVF, her approach has been shown to nearly double the chances of success from 25% to 47.1%. Iva's program is also suitable for couples who wish to prevent fertility problems, ensure a healthy pregnancy and have a healthiest baby possible by providing it with optimal health prevention which starts in the womb at the time of conception.

5 Ways to Prevent Miscarriage

Author: Iva Keene ND

According to National Infertility Association and contrary to the common belief, as many as 70% of pregnancies may end in miscarriage! With more than 50% of losses going undetected and mistaken for a period. Formerly it was believed that only 15-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Those figures seems small to the alarmingly high numbers reported today.

The two most common reasons a miscarriage occurs are:

1. The product of pregnancy – the embryo was damaged and could not develop into a healthy baby.

2. The environment – the embryo’s environment did not support its healthy development.

Either way the culprit can be found on the cellular level. Chromosomal abnormalities, immune abnormalities and progesterone deficiency are some of the reasons of miscarriages.

However they don’t exist without a cause.The delicate internal balance between hormones, nutrients and toxins in both partners determines what you will be passing onto the embryo and how your body will react to it.

Be that as may the bottom line is – Healthy Couples are Fertile Couples!

Here are 5 ways you can minimize the risk of miscarriage and maximize your chances of taking home a healthy baby:

1. Could you be zinc deficient?

Zinc is the most important mineral for the reproductive system. Zinc deficiency among many other things impairs body’s ability to properly maintain pregnancy in women and produce healthy sperm in men.Unfortunately zinc competes for absorption with the most of the nutrients from food and is often called the “lonely mineral”. This means it is one of the minerals which is most likely to be deficient. On top of that artificial hormones in the form of oral contraceptives and ovulation drugs significantly reduce its levels further.

Some symptoms of zinc deficiency:

• Frequent colds and infections
• White spots on fingernails
• Mental exhaustion
• Poor appetite
• Dry skin and hair
• Poor sense of taste and smell

How to boost your zinc levels:

• Good sources of zinc are: lean meat, whole grains, egg yolk and oysters.
• Take a zinc supplement last thing at night to ensure its absorption.

2. Boost your progesterone levels

Progesterone aka pregnancy hormone needs to be at the optimal level for pregnancy to be maintained. Progesterone deficiency is characterized by PMS and short cycles and is often referred to as a luteal phase defect.

What to do?

Ensure adequate intake of magnesium and vitamin B6 for production of progesterone. Foods like seeds, nuts and egg yolk are rich in B vitamins and dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and nuts are a good source of magnesium. However you may need to supplement to get optimal therapeutic doses of each. If you eat non organically grown food, the likelihood of nutrient depletion of those foods is high.

3. Increase your vitamin C intake

The strength of the lining of your uterus(womb) is crucial when you are trying to conceive and stay pregnant. More commonly than not, when the connective tissue is weak the embryo will not be able to attach or stay attached. The quality of the connective tissue and blood vessels depends on how much vitamin C and bioflavonoids are present in the body. Bioflavonoids help the body absorb more vitamin C and also contribute to the strength of the connective tissue.

Where do you find vitamin C?

Citrus fruits: preferably lemons, limes and grapefruits as well as berries which are loaded with bioflavonoids.

4. Butt it out for good

Miscarriages more commonly occur when the male partner has low sperm counts and visually abnormal sperm. Smoking severely impacts the quality and quantity of sperm. Scientists discovered that quitting smoking has increased sperm count in men who quit smoking for 5-15 months by 50-800% respectively.

Here is how to give it up for good:

1. Set a date to quit
2. Tell all those close to you that you are quitting
3. If both partners smoke, quit together
4. When the date arrives throw out all the smoking paraphernalia (cigarettes, ashtrays…) from your home, car etc..
5. When you get the urge to light up get up, walk, take a few breaths of fresh air and have some water instead
6. Change your routines to reduce the association with smoking (coffee, drinks and parties)…

And remember:

1. Body’s addiction to nicotine only lasts for 3 days
2. It takes 21 days to get rid of the old habit and to acquire a new habit
3. Nature abhors vacuum! So if you give up something make sure you replace it with something else that’s good for you.

4. Put that drink down and Give up coffee

When trying to conceive it’s best to stay clear from all the alcohol. Alcohol is very harmful to woman’s eggs and men sperm before conception. As little as ONE glass can reduce fertility by 50%! This can further lead to damage of developing embryo and result in a miscarriage.

Are you aware of the scientific fact that drinking coffee before and during pregnancy doubles the risk of miscarriage? Studies have found that drinking as little as one cup of coffee per day increase the risk of non conceiving by 55%. Every additional cup keeps raising the risk even further. There are great coffee substitutes available in health food shops and you might want to give them a try.

5. Optimal preconception care

Optimal preconception care started well before you try to conceive has been found to reduce most of the common causes of miscarriages.

And remember if you want a complete guide with step-by-step instructions on how to boost your fertility naturally with exact therapeutic dosages of nutrients and food sources as well as dozens or more natural fertility strategies, see my "Essential Nutrients for Preconception and Pregnancy Chart" that's part of my "Natural Fertility Cures Program".

© 2008 Iva Keene and Australian Natural Therapeutics

Article Source:

About the Author: Iva K. Keene is the founder of Australian Natural Therapeutics, a company devoted to empowering women and men around the world with the tools to live their lives to the fullest potential in vibrant health and wellbeing. A leading naturopathic physician, fertility and sleep specialist,researcher and author Iva has gained international recognition as an expert in her field. She dedicates herself to educating woman and men in natural health and wellbeing choices to enable them to lead a happy and fulfilled life, as well as managing woman's and men's health in her private clinic in Switzerland.

Iva created the successful

Natural Fertility Cures Program
. This highly accomplished program is designed for women and men desiring to overcome their fertility problems, whilst giving them the opportunity to take home a healthy baby.

The program is based on Iva's H.E.A.L Method a scientifically and empirically validated approach which has been shown to significantly increase chances of overcoming infertility naturally as well as reduce the chances of miscarriages without recourse to drugs and expensive procedures. The Natural Fertility Cures program is only available at In addition, should you choose IVF, her approach has been shown to nearly double the chances of success from 25% to 47.1%. Iva's program is also suitable for couples who wish to prevent fertility problems, ensure a healthy pregnancy and have a healthiest baby possible by providing it with optimal health prevention which starts in the womb at the time of conception.

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